Master email marketing fundamentals. Join the Ready, Set, Send Challenge Week 2!

Default text in subject line or preheader alert

0 Votes

When copying a campaign to save edit time, the software requires a new name for the campaign.  It should also require a new Subject Line.  It is so easy to forget this!     


I just sent a campaign with a bad subject line. I sent my self a test before hand and noticed it was bad. I went in to make several other changes and forgot to change the subject. I hit the send now button and it was gone. I wish their was a more significant prompt to highlight this, because somewhere along the line it autofills. I would prefer to turn off autofill and leave it empty, and have a prompt for me to fill it when I send it. can you modify this? Bad subject line does not look good or professional! VERY FRUSTRATED right now! 


I am sorry to hear this happened but thank you for sharing this feedback!

Can the feature from the previous version be added back that prompts users to update their subject line? It used to appear on a separate page

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @NewYorkRedBulls thanks for sharing this feedback! How would you expect to receive this prompt when creating your email or when viewing the scheduling page? Would you want for instance a pop-up to appear or a messaging banner at the top of the page?

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @ChristChurchHP thank you for sharing this feedback with us! We have opened up your idea so other users can weigh in on this as well.

Hi folks. I generally love ConstantContact. Serves our neighborhood very well. But I think you have added a step that I think is unnecessary. Because many of our emails are repetitious with only specifics updated, I usually just copy an old one, make the changes and send it out. This used to be easier than it is now. In the old days, the name you assigned to the email in the ConstantContact campaign list automatically became the "subject" recipients saw when the email went out. Unless I am mistaken, you have changed that. Now, the name that appears in your campaign list is NOT the "subject" recipients see in their email inboxes. This is annoying to me and I frequently forget to take the extra step of specifying a subject different from the subject of the old email I was copying. So I have to send out a correction. I eventually will learn that I have to take one more step to change the subject (and by the way, that blank should be WAY more conspicuous on the send page than it is.) But you have made the work of this neighborhood volunteer more complicated, and for no good reason that I can discern. -- Bruce Nichols, cel 713-249-7133, Houston, Texas


Hi @FrostwoodCIA-Houston thanks for sharing this feedback! Our previous Second Generation Editor did not offer the ability of automatically making the name of a campaign the subject line. However receiving a prompt to update the subject line on a copied email campaign is a feature request we are currently tracking. Because of this we have merged your post into the correct thread.

I have encountered this problem a number of times and it is often embarrassing. While I change the campaign name - If i don't remember to change the subject and pre-subject even though I have canged the body of the message, it goes back to the original. If there is a way that once the Campaign name changes the subject should automatically be deleted so it can be changed. Even when I catch it it is often to late to retrieve the mailing.
Status changed to: Acknowledged
Status changed to: Not Currently Planned

Currently, this feature request is not on our roadmap. If there are plans to consider bringing this functionality into the editor, we will share them here.

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