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[Events 2.0] Notifications When Someone Registers

In Legacy events there was an option to send the organizer an email when someone registers for the event. I'm not seeing that option in Events 2.0 - can that option be added back??? Thank you!

Status changed to: Planned

We really need the setting added back into the software to receive an email after someone registers for an event.  This was critical notification for us when tracking registrations.  Please add back asap.  Thanks!

Campaign Contributor

This feature is CRITICAL and must include the ability to send to the email address of the event leader! 

Campaign Contributor

In the legacy program, I would receive an email whenever someone registered for my event. I cannot turn this feature on in the new system/program. I get a notification from PayPal when someone pays, but not when someone registers. I really need to get an email when someone registers, as not everyone pays via PayPal (we have some send a check, and some pay at the door). Help!!!


Edit: I see this got moved to another thread, which was created for this issue.  I actually searched for similar threads and didn't find this one until my thread was moved.  Glad I am not the only one with this issue.  Sorry I am bad at searching for posts!!!  This needs to be fixed, or we will be looking for a new platform.  

Campaign Contributor

In the former Constant C. event manager we would get a notification when someone would register to our events. I have a training scheduled in the new event system and I got 1 notification when the first person registered and nothing since. This needs to be changed as we send out a personal email to our registrants and need to know in real time when they register. 


We just have to GUESS when people register for our events?!?!?!?! Bring back the email notifications when someone registers!

I am still not getting email alerts when people register for our events via the Constant Contact Landing page. Please reinstate this alert system from the old version. Thank you!

Constant Contact Partner

Please add this feature. Its crazy that we have no idea when someone registers for an event. 

Campaign Collaborator

Why are we asked to provide an email address for the event organizer if no email is sent to the organizer when someone registers?

Campaign Collaborator
Is there no way for the contact person listed in the event to receive notifications when there are registrations for an event? We were able to get notifications in Legacy Events.
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