Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Filter and Sort After Search

The improvements to the search feature you just released are great but you took away the ability to use the drop downs (Campaigns, Status, Search Relevance and Folders) after you have your search results.


Support told me that "this would be a great feature to add".  I believe that this is a necessary function to be a complete search feature.  Now I can find things with the search that I could not find before, but I cannot qualify the search, which WAS available when the search did not work correctly.  This causes me to scroll down to find the newest emails that I would like to reuse.  Legacy emails always seem to come up first. 


It is INSANE that this still hasn't been updated and fixed. How many complaints do you need over the years of this to get it fixed. I just brought this up to customer service for the 5th time and they told me they had previously flagged my account with this complaint. FIX IT. How many people need to ask you to fix it? It was there before and now it's not and people are unhappy. I just put in ANOTHER ticket about requesting the feature but this is just so not acceptable at all. This needs to be fixed. 

Agreed - it is a huge impediment not to be able to see search results chronologically sorted. Very often I'm just looking for the most recent campaign that used a certain phrase, and it's maddening when the first page of hits doesn't contain anything from the past year.

Campaign Contributor

I just want to add my name to the list of people impatiently waiting for the ability to sort search results chronologically. 


It's crazy that this wasn't available immediately. And it shouldn't be that hard. You can sort campaigns before you search. How hard to could it be to sort the search results?

Marketing Legend

There are 33 comments on this thread but only 10 votes. To everyone on this thread, please click the original post to "cast your VOTE" for Constant Contact to pay attention to this feature request! 

Campaign Contributor


When I use search for emails is there a way to organize them by date?  I know their is calendar, but being able to have more control over searches will help.

Next, on search- can "Page [] of "_"" be added to top?  And add an express up button from bottom to get back to top without scrolling?  I know about keyboard shortcuts but still would like these options.


A suggestion on how to improve your user experience:  

When searching for a an email I previously sent, the results that show up after I search are all out of order - they're not numerical, they're not alphabetical, they're not most recently accessed - they're just random as far as I can tell.  I title this series of emails with the same three initials BNW and then the date.  My predecessor labelled dates differently, but I have been fairly consistent for years.  It would make it much easier to find the email I am looking for! 

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Is there an ability to search past marketing campaigns? I keep a go-to record of what was sent when, but it would be immensely convenient to be able to do a basic text search via past campaigns.

When one searches for an old email, it would be much better if CC sorted the results NEW to OLD. Right now it sorts in a helter skelter order, giving me almost a decade's worth of emails... 

When searching for an email in all of your campaigns (i.e. emails around Program A), there is no way to organize the findings of that search. The results of the search do not come up in any specific order. I would love to be able to organize within that search of emails sent about "Program A" by date sent, click rate, etc. Right now there is no such organization. Additionally, when creating a segmentation link within an email OR when creating any type of form (just two examples), there's a drop-down to select a list from your contact lists. These are never organized in alphabetical order (nor in a creation order) and seem to be randomly generated. Is Constant Contact working to resolve this seemingly simple problem? Organization is key with managing everything within this platform.
Campaign Contributor

Please, please, please after I search for a past campaign let me sort by date!

What comes up first is mostly six year old campaigns. No one needs that. At least make it so the most resent show up first.

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