Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Immediate email notification of each new subscriber and update

I would love to be able to set up an alert when someone joins one of my contact lists!

Top Answer

Hi all. While we do not have any updates to share regarding sign-up notifications, we've made sure to correct the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team and also made slight changes to the subject line in order for it to be more easily found. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this feature request but it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release. If we hear any discussions to include other timing options, we'll share them here.


As previously mentioned, there is an automated Subscriber Activity Report that can be set to send daily to your inbox.

Status changed to: Voting Open
Campaign Contributor

Our business uses Constant Contact's sign-up forms for our contact us tab and newsletter sign ups. It's great for the newsletter sign ups but terrible for the contact us form. I've called Constant Contact and asked them how we receive an email notification when a customer has sent a question via the contact form. They responded saying I would have to go into our contact list and the message would be within that person's name and email one I click on their name. This is very inefficient because we don't want to be refreshing and checking our email list all day for questions. It would be nice to receive an email when someone submits a question to us via our contact form so we can respond promptly.


Please add this feature and we would greatly recommend Constant Contact, but right now we are very disappointed with Constant Contact since we switched . At least withwe were able to have the above mentioned feature and never had any problems

I need to urgently get real time email notifications of contacts that fill out a sign-up form to a any and all lists, be it a new list or not.
Marketing Legend

You give us the ability to send a welcome e-mail right when someone signs up... Why can't we get an e-mail sent to us when they do or add the option of CC'ing ourselves on the welcome e-mail they receive?


I would like to receive email notification when someone completes a form.


We are using an inline form to collect catalog requests:


A customer completes the form to request a catalog.

We use the form to get the mailing details to send the catalog.


Currently, we have to check the list regularly to see if there are any new registrations. An automated email notification would be better - we would be informed in a timely manner and also identify who was new to the list. We would not be reliant on human memory to keep tracking.


I just posted the same request. We have a catalog request form. Currently we need to manually go in and see if anyone new has completed it. A process that relies on human memory and also takes time to continue checking.

I wish your email notifications would tell me who joined which list. This would save me so much time and money!
Campaign Contributor
I am created a new WordPress website with an opt-in (Mail Munch). I was hoping to get an automated notice when a new client/visitor sign up. But so far CC doesn't offer that. It would be an improvement--need more dynamic interaction vs. static response with new sign-ups. I'm sure that this could be easily added software wise. thanks

Webforms notifications should be sent immediately. Individual Webform notifications should have the capability to be sent to separate email address


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