More customization and formatting options for survey pages

0 Votes

It would be good to have an option to BOLD or UNDERLINE the headers for the scale options.... and also for checkboxes to be able to show 8 as 4 and 4 side by side so the survey doesn't look so long.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hello @SamC721 . Thank you for the suggestion! I will open your idea up for voting. For others who come across this thread, what formatting options would you like to see?

Marketing Legend
Hello you asked for my feedback about the site, then I couldn't submit it. ( Couldn't find the button). I wish there was more of selection for the background designs. It's very limiting and trying to find repeating patterns that work is frustrating.
Status changed to: Gathering Information

Hi everyone, we're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect the status of the idea with our engineering team. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on the idea but should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and are continuing to collect both requests along with further details of what a user is looking to customize (ex. text, colors, etc).

Constant Contact Partner

Yes.   This is should be able to stylization to any and all survey questions. Please add this.

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