Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Permanent removal from trash

Please consider adding as empty trash feature. Fully understand there is no limit but completely deleting campaigns works better. Especially if multiple users use same account. Thank you

Marketing Legend

It's 2020... why isn't there a function to empty the deleted folder? 


Hello - It seems as though Constant Contact customers have been requesting the capability to be able to delete old emails & test emails that have been deleted and place in the trash folder within your program. I see requests for this feature dating back to 2012 - 8 years ago. Every other bulk email company has this feature and it is now 2020, I think it's time for Constant Contact to listen to their users and enable this feature. There should be a pop up that says "Are you sure you want to delete, as this cannot be undone" and the user will click "yes" so that they can finally empty emails that are no longer necessary to keep. Please enable this feature in 2020, listen to your customers. Thank you.

Please allow me to permanently delete some of my files so they aren't anywhere in my account.

I'd also like to be able to permanently delete the test campaigns I deleted. Please add feature.

I want to delete the emails in the Deleted folder permanently, how to do? Thank you

Hello @user756829 


There isn't currently a way to permanently delete campaigns. There is a feature request to have to ability to do so that we are looking to possible add in the future. Currently, if you are needing to remove a campaign or link within a campaign permanently you can call into our support team for assistance. 


when will CC allow us to permanently delete the trash? We pay good money every month. Let us control our own information!!!!

Campaign Contributor
Why is it so hard to delete a campaign! I can't override the name. Why so difficult!

It looks like there have been MANY requests to be able to delete/empty the deleted campaigns in the trash can.  

When will you be adding this feature??

It is frustrating when you need to use the same name as a previous campaign, and changing the name of Holiday's is not prudent.

Campaign Contributor

I see post after post about adding the feature to permanently delete campaigns from the trash folder. It's 2021 and constant contact has still NOT added this feature.

I'm finding after signing up, there is much to be desired with this platform. 

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