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Permanent removal from trash

Please consider adding as empty trash feature. Fully understand there is no limit but completely deleting campaigns works better. Especially if multiple users use same account. Thank you

Hi there, I would like to be able to permanently delete a campaign. I want to use its name for a newer version but I can't b/c the old one remains in the bin. Thanks.

Definitely need to add a permanently delete a campaign button or empty deletes.  Useless to keep all the old campaigns or ones you had to copy and start over with.


Please create a way to delete campaigns and other items in the deleted folder. I don't care to have trash lying around. Thank you.

Status changed to: Under Consideration
Marketing Legend

Add my vote to be able to permanently delete campaigns. I have some test campaigns that I created for my boss to pick a layout from. I no longer need the old campaigns and would like to permanently delelte them.

Can we please have a definitive way to delete old "Deleted" campaigns? Other products such as Mailchimp and Hubspot allow you to delete anything, and confirm by either manually typing a phrase like the word "DELETE" in the confirmation box, to make sure it's not accidental. I have several old mistakenly created or deleted campaigns just sitting in the trash, and the only option is to Restore. Please allow us to completely delete campaigns. Thank you.
Campaign Contributor

I support 100%. Please introduce an option to delete deleted email campaigns. When multiple users use an account, this folder grows enourmously.

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