Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Select multiple blocks to move at once

I wish there was a way to group objects in emails. I use three dividers in my campaigns to create a cool effect, but when I need to move them I have to individually move them, so if there was a way to group them and move them together that would be cool.

Top Answer

Hello everyone,


With the addition of sections to the cross-device editor, we're considering this Idea as closed. Blocks can be clustered into sections now, which can be moved, copied, and formatted altogether. Individual blocks can also be dragged in and out of sections.


For more info on how sections work within the email editor, make sure to check out our main article on the topic. 

Status changed to: Voting Open



I can understand how helpful it would be to group or lock sections of your email together to easily edit your design. Where would you look for a feature like this to exist in your email? Would you want it to only apply to only dividers or other blocks as well?


Has this comment been addressed? I would like to be able to group blocks together.  When I create a unique pattern of images and blocks and want to replicate or move to another section of the email it's difficult to move them each individually.


Hi @DiscoverELC how does working with our pre-built layout blocks not fit your needs? Or the move icon available when you place your cursor over the layout you want to move?




Frankie, I think that if there are several group blocks together, and you want to move them ALL, there has to be a better way to select them, rather than doing 1 by 1. 


Its easy to move one block sure, but if you have 3 or 4 or more with dividers, images, and several blocks all part of one news blast, with several news blasts in one entire email that goes out, it has to be easier. Just saying its easy to move a block, isn't helpful. 


For example, we have a news blast that has several articles. In each article, we have several blocks with videos or English/Spanish/Portuguese translations. IF I want to move one article to a different location (because this month's might have one article that is outdated or the date changes) then I have to move EACH block in that article, one by one to the new location, that takes time. Adding a check box to group them all to move together, shouldn't be hard to do. 

So, I'm assuming from this thread that there is no way to move multiple blocks at once. That is very frustrating and hopefully something that gets added in future updates, sooner than later.


Being able to "group" multiple blocks together and move them would be extremely helpful.  For example, in my newsletter I have a Community service section made of multiple events.  Each event is its own block so that it can have a description and a picture.  But if I wanted to move the whole Community Service section I would have to move each block at a time.  If I could group blocks together like on Microsoft Publisher I could just grab the grouped section and move it all at once.  I really hope constant contact makes this adjustment as it is obviously affecting its customer base. 

I would like to know how to do this as well.


When I lay out my newsletter, I may have to move a piece up or down to make the newsletter flow better. For example, I have one content piece that contains text & a centred button & then more text (thus 3 blocks). To move them, I have to move them separately to the new location. i haven't found a way to choose the 3 blocks and move them together within my newsletter.

Just adding my voice of support here. I create a weekly newsletter and sometimes shift around content from the previous week in order to freshen up the look. Moving one block at a time is painful. 


This feature would also be extremely helpful for me. I sometimes need to move full sections around with each made of 6-10 blocks. Moving the blocks one by one is tedious. 

Campaign Contributor

Just adding our voice to this thread. The ability to group and move multiple blocks at once is more like a necessity than a luxury. Having to move each individual element separately, as is the case now, is extremely frustrating.

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