Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Set a default From and Reply To email address

Should be able to configure a default email addresses for From and Reply To to something different than the account address. For us, these are always different than the account address and it's easy to forget to change this every time we create a campaign, and then replies are sent to the wrong address and it confuses both staff and customers.

Setting a default From Name is already supported and manged in the Email Message Settings. The From Name default is reflected when creating a Draft as described here


Similar to the From Name, two more settings, one for each of From Address and Reply To Address should be added to Email Message Settings and used as the defaults when creating a new draft. 


This is a re-request of https://community.constantcontact.com/t5/Managing-Contacts/Default-from-and-reply-to-address/idi-p/2... which hasn't been addressed for 5 years.

Campaign Contributor
I should be able to set up default From and Reply to email addresses without changing the default email for my user account. We send monthly emails to our customer base, and want it to show our promos@ email address instead of it showing a personal address. Why is this not possible?

Thanks @CoryH for posting this idea. We allow you to change the address within each email if you would like! Currently the account email address will default but there can always be another email addresse set for your billing information.


The current method of changing your account's default "from" address is very confusing and misleading. First, you click "My Account" and then "User Email." Finally, you get to this screen:



The problem here is that I am the user. I have my own email address. It is the one I log in with. It is the one I want you to send invoices and reports to. My coworker is a user. She has an email address. It is the one she logs in with and has reports sent to. That, to me, and I imagine many others, is what you would call a "User Address."


So, when I see "Change User Email Address," I'm not quite sure what I'm doing. Am I telling you that I, personally, have a new email address? Because that's what it seems like.


Nowhere on that page does it inform me that the action I am about to take will change the default "from" address on my account. And nothing in the navigation that led me to this page was intuitive at all. I pretty much just clicked around on everything that said email address--and still contacted support because I was unsure of what I was doing when I reached this page.


SOLUTION: I believe this function belongs in the My Settings section (which should be called Account Settings because they are account/organization-related, not user-specific) under Email Message Settings alongside the From Name.

Campaign Expert

I would like to have the option of having replies to a Test email go to someone else other than the person who will eventually be the official sender.  In the case where I am the communications person drafting an email on behalf of the Executive Director, I want to send out a Test and have the replies come to me, not the ED.

Status changed to: Open Questions


At this time you should have the ability to switch out the reply to email address before sending out your test email. After you do this you can then send out your test emails and have replies go to the appropriate email address. Once you have tested this, you can go back to the header of your email and then change the reply to email address back before sending out your email.

Are you looking for a different functionality? 


Reply from  

Hi there,
Thanks. I certainly can do it that way, but it's clunky and easily
forgotten in the editing stage. I am looking for functionality within the
test email menu to have it send from a separate account. Mailchimp offers
this functionality and it is extremely useful.

Brand Visionary

Not good enough. Should be able to set a default email to something different than the account address. It's easy to forget to change this every time we create a campaign, and then replies are sent to the wrong address and it confuses both staff and customers.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @WilliamD4332 there are many factors that are used to decide what is added to or updated in our product which can cause us to sometimes not have a timeline for when a feature will be available. So thank you for sharing this feedback with us! Feedback like this helps gauge which features are needed most by our users. So we have opened up this idea so other users can weigh in as well. The more requests we receive on this the higher a priority it will be given.


It seems like it would be simple enough to allow entering "reply to" address which is different from the "From" address. Please, how would I do this?

Brand Visionary

I agree (as a software developer for 30+ years) that it wouldn't be difficult to implement. But it won't get prioritized and implemented unless enough people demand it. As the original post says, people have been asking for this for over 5 years. So vote for this issue and have anyone else you know that uses CC do the same. Maybe it'll get done if enough customers want it done.

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