Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Show and sort most and least engaged contacts

Hello, I am incredibly impressed with the level of service I have received form Constant Contact and tell folks all the time it is the best company I have ever worked with. However, that being said there is something I need or else I will be looking elsewhere for service(I HATE SAYING THAT). You need to include a column in the reports section that we can export. We need to be able to see the engagement level of our customers so we can order them from greatest to lease and vice versa. From a sales perspective this is a must. I can remove hundreds from my list that have never opened an e-mail or I can call the folks in person that have opened everything I have sent. Without this ability I am missing HUGE opportunities to know who is hot and who is cold. Please do this ASAP, I have been asking for 6 months and have seen nothing yet. I DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE CONSTANT CONTACT! Please!!

Top Answer

Hi everyone, thank you for your patience as we looked into this! Because many of the requests made on this thread are currently available through contact engagement, so we are going to close this idea. Please feel free to continue voting and commenting on any of the other open ideas to let us know what you would like to see.

Marketing Legend

I posted last week regarding my dissatisfaction with the new changes, and the more that I work with the new system, the more I'm getting frustrated with this particular change. 


It used to be that I could look up a specific contact's email, and then get a quick table of numbers showing exactly which emails they've opened, and how many times per email. Now, it only states "opened", which I have to read the title of (no handy scrolling looking for a number other than "0") which makes it more time consuming. To make matters even more annoying, it does not record on that same line item, if the email was opened multiple times. This is particularly annoying, as instead the system now creates multiple SEPARATE entries for each time the email is opened. 


The way it used to be:

Email Name ___Sent ___ Times Opened 

Email 1____Oct 3____ 0

Email 2____Oct 2____ 2

Email 3____Oct 1____ 5


The way it is now

Opened Email One

Opened Email Three

Sent Email Three

Opened Email One

Sent Email Two

Opened Email One

Opened Email One

Sent Email One


This is infuriating, as it forces me to have to waste time digging through every instance of that particular email in the feed and then to add up the numbers myself. Also, having to read the wording of every title in order to determine if the report was opened or just sent, when previously I could visually just scan down the column easily and go "0, 2, 0, 3, 9, 1". I could see at an immediate glance which emails my contact was drawn to. 


Why go from a working system that collated these numbers for you to the opposite? I can understand that some people want to see the exact times they were opened, which I can't remember if the old system allowed for, but the original option should still be available to us that prefer to see quantity of opens without having to sit here and count emails by hand, and possibly make the mistake of missing one? At the very least, if the system must stay this way and we aren't allowed to have a chart of opens anymore, please make the list collate a master line item like so:


Opened Email One

- Opened on 10/2/2013 9:47am

- Opened on 10/2/2013 10:47am

- Opened on 10/2/2013 11:47am

Opened Email Two

- Opened on 10/2/2013 9:47am

- Opened on 10/2/2013 10:47am

- Opened on 10/2/2013 11:47am

Opened Email Three

- Opened on 10/2/2013 9:47am

- Opened on 10/2/2013 10:47am

- Opened on 10/2/2013 11:47am


That way once we locate the email in question, we can see all instances of the opens ourselves right there, without having to keep scrolling for any more entries regarding that particular email. 


To me, this is a common sense approach. The way the system is implemented right now is beyond frustrating and time consuming in placing the onus on the user to do collate and dig through, when the previous setup was not broke and delivered exactly what we needed. 


Also, a side note - When I spoke to a representative last week about some of the changes, I was immediately advised to go to the email it self's records of opens and look for the contact there. Unfortunately, that's not what I look at. I look at a specific CONTACT's record of opens, to see which emails are most successful for him/her. It's again counter-intuitive and more time consuming to have to go email by email to see if this particular contact appears on that email's open list, when I should be able to look at the contact's own history to see this information.  



Also, the new e.mail set up is harder to use. Do not like any of the changes I have used. Would love it to all go back to the way it was!!


On the contacts??? It says some now have duplicates and you cannot do that, but it will not let you delete the extra one. What?? I lost contacts also in this whole "Upgrade" thing. This is not making me want to continue to use constant contact. This has really been a headache for our office staff. Please do something to fix it. PLease!

I can't view what my contacts are opening...I have no idea what they like.....clicking on pics to links?? I liked the other version. The search engine was better when you were trying to see if you already had a contact. PLEASE FIX IT!!!!!
Campaign Collaborator
Hi, I like the new layout for the contacts, but I wish that CC had kept the old way of viewing the engagements - in a matrix. It was much easier to read. Also, in one quick glance you could tell if that contact had opened, clicked, or forwarded any particular email. Now you have to scroll through the list, which does not even differentiate via a different color or font if the person has done anything. Much less efficient, not user friendly, and badly designed.
Campaign Contributor
It should show what was the text that the link displayed in the newsletter. Seeing the URL string is no help. I have to click on the URL in the report to see which page it was that they were clicking through on. I'm pretty sure the reports used to display the link's text.
Marketing Legend

I greatly preferred the previous email history format which listed email campaigns chronologically and the number of times the contact opened a particular campaign. It was also easy to see a contacts openings and bounce records. Now if a contact opens a campaign 60 times (it happens, people forward) I'd have to scroll through all the Engagement history trying to get an idea of recent history. Please go back to what was working better!!!

Before the update, I could see not only when they were added, but whether the contact added themselves or if we did. I could get a bounce history, and many more details about the contact and interaction. This was very helpful and the new setup is not. I know you can go to each email's report to get some of this information, but it is best to have it there and on the contact details.
Under engagement - it would be nice to see sent email and read email next to each other (as in a column) it is cumbersome to read the way it is now and to match up emails. Would be able to see quicker if in a column format.
I had 2 people on the unsub list, but it didn' t list them unsubscribing as an engagement.
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