Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Show and sort most and least engaged contacts

Hello, I am incredibly impressed with the level of service I have received form Constant Contact and tell folks all the time it is the best company I have ever worked with. However, that being said there is something I need or else I will be looking elsewhere for service(I HATE SAYING THAT). You need to include a column in the reports section that we can export. We need to be able to see the engagement level of our customers so we can order them from greatest to lease and vice versa. From a sales perspective this is a must. I can remove hundreds from my list that have never opened an e-mail or I can call the folks in person that have opened everything I have sent. Without this ability I am missing HUGE opportunities to know who is hot and who is cold. Please do this ASAP, I have been asking for 6 months and have seen nothing yet. I DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE CONSTANT CONTACT! Please!!

Top Answer

Hi everyone, thank you for your patience as we looked into this! Because many of the requests made on this thread are currently available through contact engagement, so we are going to close this idea. Please feel free to continue voting and commenting on any of the other open ideas to let us know what you would like to see.


seems like a step backward to have a list reading "opened" "opened" "opened" "sent" rather than the nice neat grid by campaign with NUMBERS - much more concise and useful.  quite dislike this as it used to be much easier to see how many times a contact opened (or didn't open) all recent campaigns

Marketing Legend
I notice that when we "Export Contacts" to a CSV file, we are still getting the Contact's email address in the "Phone Number" field, and every other exported field across the record is still stuffed. Will this ever be fixed? Or will you continue to apologise and offer excuses? (Or am I doing something wrong?) Has this bug been allocated low priority because we are sick of providing "feedback"? Or is it just too hard? Your programmers should be able to program up a tool to address this issue. Robert Brain
Marketing Legend
I wish you would go back to your former way of reporting when it was possible to see all links clicked by an individual contact.
Campaign Contributor
I like the # of engagements that come up in a report for a contact, but it would be better if we could have the # show or be selectable in the tables showing the contacts (i.e. add an additional column in the My Reports. If that is not acceptable, then allow me to keep my place in the long list of Unique Opens so that I don't have to re-scroll back to the block of 250 to 300 etc each time I want to check the # of engagements of the next contact.
Campaign Collaborator

We would like to have a report for a group of contacts/mailing list that shows each contact and the emails they've received.  Bonus points for showing what was opened, who bounced, etc!

Why did you mess up a good thing? The system you now employee has me considering leaving. It's beyond bad. Every time you want to click on a link to see who the people are that clicked on it, it takes a much longer time per click to register, there is no way to go back. I have to click three steeps to see the click results again. Each painfully longer as I wait for your tracking crap to catch up with what I'm doing. However your tracking does not track my frustration level. You really ruined what I loved most about your site. Now tracking my clicks is painful it used to be awesome. Why did you change It?
I want to see a list of all the links in my email and which contact clicked on what link, but I have to export each file to get this? this is making it very difficult for me to analyse the email and the success and also follow up leads, it is now a very long and arduous process when it could and should be very easy.
I miss the old setting where I can click on the contact and see if the email was delivered or not delivered because the email address was non-existent, undeliverable, etc. It has been a bit of a pain to go to each email that was sent out versus seeing the reason right then and there on the my contact's page.
It was impossible to get the data. The only info was in text form, that they had opened such-and-such email. Not helpful to have text info like that.
It would be very helpful if the Autoresponse email showed up in "Engagements" on the individual contact so we know they received it. I have it as a follow up to the Welcome email, which is listed in the Engagement que, but, the Autoresponder email does not show up as an engagement. Thanks!
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