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Sort Reporting By Column

0 Votes

Perhaps at the top of each column, put a drop down to offer other options. For example: at the top of the link clicked, one option might be to sort the links, the name column might offer alphabetical or by name etc.

Campaign Contributor

In the reporting tab, please add the ability to filter Opens/Clicks/etc. by date. This is especially useful for automation emails where we want to see performance on an ongoing basis. The filter currently only allows "Filter by email address or name", but it would be very useful if we could filter also by date, eg. setting a start and end date and view performance of a particular campaign only within that period.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @user83888 thanks for sharing this feature request! We have opened up your idea so other users can weigh in as well.

It would be nice to be able to sort my campaigns by click rate or open rate
Add a sort feature so we can alphabetize names and see who has opened mailers more than once for follow up.
Be able to sort by alphabetical order of each column
Status changed to: Under Consideration

We are updating the status of our existing ideas to better reflect where they are in the product pipeline. Changing this idea to Under Consideration. Currently reports are sorted by timestamp (newest > oldest). There is some exploration happening around other sort options. Particularly, alphabetized sorting.

Constant Contact Partner

I would love to be able to go to All Opens in a report and sort by email address, thereby seeing how many times each person opened / ie quickly identifying people who had a high level of interest in that particular message. THANKS!!!


I'm new to Constant Contact and this may already exist.


I can't find a simple way or place to Sort by # of Opens. I'm coming from  and in their Open report it initially lists all opens with most recent first. There's an Up/Down arrow that when first clicked resorts by Oldest First. On second click it does a Count of Opens by email and presents those emails with the most opens in descending order, with the number of times opened. You can drill into an email to see the chronology of opens and clicks.


I find this really helpful in identifying prospects for follow up.


You need to have the number of times a recipient clicks on the email easily sortable. This is the most important metric for the email marketing. This is a "heat check" to see who is the most interested and dictates the order of follow up. 

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