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Ability To Choose Custom Font and Text Size

Our company has a specific font that we use for all of our communications (Rotis Sans Serif Std) and it's disappointing that we're not able to use this in constant contact. So many other things are able to be customized, but the preset fonts available will not work for us.

Top Answer

We're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team and also made slight changes to the subject line in order for it to be more easily found. We can't guarantee a commitment to include more fonts in the editor or also for the upload of custom fonts but it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release.


Since the original post, custom font sizes are available in our cross-device editor


we are looking for collaboration with a another company that respects our graphic charter.
any suggestions?


As some people have said, we would like to use our brand's font on emails but these are not a regular font, we created them internally so it would be necessary to upload the font itself from our end.


I think it is extremely important for us to be able to upload our own fonts it order to stay true to branding. The entire purpose of platforms like Constant Contact is to serve brands so that they can further their brand via communication.  To not allow for that, not only conveys to our clientele that we are not consistent, it shows that perhaps we aren't willing to do the research and find a way to remain consistent. As a cardiology office, I feel this is crucial to our business to showcase the level of committment and dedication to perfecting our craft, from the rigorous hours and continued research that our providers dedicate so much of their life to, all the way down to the font we use to communicate. If this is not something that can be addressed, evidently after many, many requests to do so, I imagine Constant Contact will lose a lot of business over something so simply changed. Please reconsider, as I do like the platform itself but am honestly unwilling to budge on brand image when it is such an important part of communications. 


I agree! It really makes things complicated and I have to use an alternate app and import my text as a JPEG. It is time Constant Contacts adds the option to upload or purchase new fonts. 


5 years later, still not solved?


Hi @NateM730


Custom font sizes are now available in our cross device editor. We are however updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect the current status of custom font with our engineering team. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this idea but should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release.

Status changed to: Acknowledged

Would love for Monserrat to be available. This is our brand font.


I would like to use fonts that are specific to my company's branding. I notice that the fonts on Constant Contact are very limited. I am requesting that Constant Contact considers adding the following font options: Gotham Light, Gotham Book, Gotham Bold and Memphis Light. Please email and  if you update the fonts in the near future. 🙏Thank you!


Playfair Display and Source Sans Pro if possible!

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