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Ability to edit embedded links after email has been sent

Hello.  I recently sent an email with the wrong embedded link in my newsletter.  I was told I could not make a change to the distributed newsletter/email; however I could send a new email to my subscribers with the new link. 


This solution does not work as the content was exactly the same, just the wrong url was hyperlinked to a word.  My hope was CC would allow me to edit the sent email to update the link without having to resend a newsletter. 


This functionality would be similar to updating a link on a web page but being allowed to keep the same title and same page. Since my email had 'Having trouble viewing this email? Click here' feature, people who receive the email would click the 'click here' and get the newly corrected link.

Top Answer

We are updating the status of this idea to Gathering Information. While we recognize there are instances where a link would need to be updated after sending, there is a risk of this feature being abused by changing a link directing recipients to inappropriate pages or spam content. Once the email is sent, there isn't a way to make any edits to it, whether it's a link, content, or photos. Emails act like letters sent from a mailbox. Once it's gone, no changes can be made.


We don't have plans at this time to include this functionality but wanted to keep the post open to hopefully gather suggestions from the Community on how else links could be reviewed before being sent. Would there be some kind of built-in tool while creating the email? Or a screen that appears before sending to remind you to check your links? We're certainly open to ideas!


Any needed updates to an email would need to be done by copying the email, making the changes, and resending the email to your lists. We recommend changing the subject line to include "Edited" or "Correction" so recipients are aware that they are not receiving a duplicate email.

Constant Contact Partner

Constant Contact staff: Might be worth noting that your competitors are offering this functionality. We use as well as CC, and they provide a way to change a link in a sent mailing .


I sent out an email and realized after the fact that a few of the links were re-directing to the wrong webpage. Would have been SUPER helpful if I could have gone back in and edit those. Not finding an easy way to do that?
Campaign Contributor
For example, I know other platforms have allowed for edits once a campaign has been sent out. It maintains almost a "live" setting where you can make changes if needed.
Marketing Legend

I suspect if we want control over the archive copy of our email, we would need to host it on our websites, instead of CC's. An added advantage would be adding in your site's header and navigation so it would be another way to draw people to the site.


I had the same issue! It would have been REALLY nice to be able to edit the links within the sent emails. I hate that I had to send out an additional email to our employees saying - oops...here are the right links. UGH!


The ability to correct an incorrect link would be beneficial.


Bumping this - would be a great feature


Absolutely need this feature. I though it was there in the past but can no longer find it. 

Campaign Expert

Yes, please PLEASE add this feature. It's heartbreaking to spend days on a newsletter and have multiple eyes review it, just to find an error like this. It feels AWFUL.

Marketing Expert

AGREE! Being able to correct an incorrect link in a sent campaign would be a lifesaver.

Have any Constant Contact staffers replied to this thread, one way or another?



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