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Ability to trigger series based on my custom dates

Hi All!

So I just switched over from another EMM provider, and there are some things that are really being overlooked for professional marketers as far as automation is concerned. As someone who was a diehard, and consistently in the top 5% of monthly users, there are things that I love so far about Constant Contact (i.e. easily being able to adjust the theme of emails without diving into source code).


There are definitely some things aside from the basic email editor that I think can be improved on. For instance, being able to base an automated series around a specific date or custom field is crucial in B to B email marketing. Our clients have lease expiration dates listed in their contact profiles (custom fields), which means that they would specifically be looking for our products around this time. Being able to time an automation series around this would be a game-changer.


Another improvement would be to allow the functionality of automatically funneling contacts into separate contact lists once they finish an automation series. For example, during an automated series, I do not want my "general interest" emails going to specific contacts in addition to the automated series, but after the automated series is complete, I would love to avoid having to manually remove them from the automated series and add them back into the "general" list. 


Just some thoughts on taking the automation-side of Constant Contact to the next level!

Thanks for listening to my rant!


I want to create an email series that starts on a certain date and ends on a certain date i.e. a 10 days before Thanksgiving series. I cannot figure out how to do that.

Hi @TraceyG48 at this time having the ability to trigger or end an automated series based on a specific date is not yet available. It is however a feature request we are collecting feedback on. Because of this I have merged your post into the appropriate feedback thread.


Adding my name to this request.  Automation features are greatly lacking for those of us who want to push out information based on date/time vs. clicks.



Hello, would love to have the ability to create a email blast, and set it on repeat. For example, create a email and have the same email on repeat to be sent out every Monday or every 19th of the Month.  


People have more than just 2 dates that are important to them. Especially for church groups, there are several dates that would merit automation

1. Birthday

2. Nameday

3. Wedding Anniversary

4. Anniversary of a special event


You already have the code for custom dates in your fields, just make Anniversary toggle between available date fields. Mailerlite already offers this feature.

Status changed to: Under Consideration

Is there an update on this becoming available?


It seems odd that you have the capability to create a custom field which is a date format, but do not have any mechanism to use this data for an automated series.

Campaign Contributor

This is the first time I've tried to use automation for an event campaign with Constant Contact and I am shocked at how some of the most simple features aren't available :frown:


Hi - I am setting up my first automation campaign on your platform and was looking for a couple features that I didn't see and I think would make CC more robust for marketers. 


First, I was looking to set a delay by exact time of day for my emails to be sent. So rather than saying "wait [x] amount of days or hours", I wanted to set it to send at 9AM the following morning.


Second, I was hoping that I could set an action rather than a trigger within an automation campaign. I wanted CC to add a client to a broader list (or list I think is what CC calls them) after I add them to a list with a tag. This would help me when I send singular emails to everyone on a list with various tags. 




Not sure if this is still an active consideration, but as a new user, we would like to see the ability to create an automation on a custom date. We are looking to send email prior to an expiration date.

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