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Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

Not applicable
I was told that by end of July we would have a search for campaigns and I don't see this featured added yet. This is annoying as I have to click through all the pagination to find what I need. tHIS IS SO BAD., PLease send me an update.
I've been using Constant Contact for several years now, in an academic setting, and I have never understood why the 'search function' does not have the ability to search by campaign name. Instead of searching for similar e-mails I sent last Fall by plugging in Aug-Sept, which produces a hundred results, it would be much easier for me to search "Weekly", or "Resident Fellows Luncheon" and pull all of the previous e-mails under that name. Thanks! -Hall Center for the Humanities (University of Kansas)
Constant Contact Partner
Gee, wouldn't it be great if I could SEARCH for a word in my campaign titles, or body copy? You know, like ALL COMPUTERS do?
Status changed to: Closed - No Action
Campaign Contributor

It would be helpful to find previous campaigns sent by title. Right now I can only search by date range.


Hello everyone. A quick update on this request.


We've slowly been releasing the ability to search for campaigns in an account. While many of our users have this ability, we haven't released it to 100% of users yet. Once we do, we'll update and close this thread. The process of enabling this feature is a bit detailed, however, we essentially have to migrate all campaign data into a new index for this tool to be able to search through all of that data. Since this includes all campaigns, it does take a bit of time. We're making great progress though and hope to have this feature available for everyone soon!


In the meantime, you can search for a sent campaign by the campaign name under the Reporting tab. Please note that you cannot search for campaigns in other statuses besides Sent and it will not search the content of a campaign.






What's frustrating is that there's a search bar in the first place. I'd rather not see it instead of trying to use it unsuccessfully, time after time after time. I've been requesting to have a functioning search bar since I started using the service in 2018 and still don't have one, even though I've been told repeatedly that the fix is in progress. Is there a time frame to this project? As the months and years pass by, additional events are added to my library and it now takes a substantial amount of time for me to scroll through pages and pages of events to find a past event. It's getting to be too much. Again, I'd rather not see the search bar at all so that I'm not constantly looking at a function that doesn't work for me but apparently works for other people. Or I should receive a partial refund of my annual payment since I'm not allowed to take advantage of all of Constant Contact's functionality. 

It would be helpful if you could search sent emails by more than just the date. By subject would be super helpful, more than date!
Would be great if we could search by name or title of campaign rather than a send date. Title is easier to remember when recalling.
Campaign Collaborator

I just posted in the community elsewhere that I wish to only locate my campaigns by Sent count.  In the current List View, the Sent count is non-existent.  I wish there were sort columns in the Campaign List view.  Thank you.

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