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Calendar - Ability to Drag/Drop Campaigns Into & Schedule Sends From Calendar View

0 Votes

I would love to have a more user friendly calendar view, to be able to click or right click on a previous post and reschedule in that same calendar view without pop up.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Thanks for the feedback, @DarciAyur! I'll open your idea up for voting. 

Some simple functionality that would be great for the calendar: - Being able to see what time things are scheduled for right in calendar view (ex. "Scheduled - 9:00 am ET") - Being able to drag posts from one day to the next, rather than click into them to reschedule - Being able to duplicate a post and drag the duplicate to a new day directly in calendar view

Hi @LaurenM8910


The good news is showing the time campaigns are scheduled is a feature request we are collecting feedback on. In fact we recommend sharing your need for this feature directly on that campaign. The more requests a thread like that receives the higher of a priority it can be given by our Product Team.


As for rescheduling campaigns in the calendar view. Would you expect moving your items like to this to update the date the date a campaign may be scheduled for?

Status changed to: Gathering Information
Campaign Expert

Here are some features that would make the calendar "tool" actually useful, informative:


1. Please add a drag/drop reschedule feature for the calendar. Unschedule/schedule requires way too many steps. 

2. Allow users the option to look at the calendar by day, week or month - this way we can see all the activity we've .

3. Please display the send times on the calendar so users can double check that they're not sending emails back-to-back, at the same time, etc. This would help with email fatigue that my clients experience with so many eblasts.




Thanks for sharing this feedback with us! We can see you have also shared your want for viewing the calendar by day, week, or month in a different request thread. In fact we have asked follow-up questions on that thread. As for displaying send times, we recommend commenting directly on the thread focused on that idea.


Would also like to see ability to reschedule posts from within the calendar view...


When looking at the calendar, it would be nice to have a click and drag feature to move social posts and email campaigns rather than going into the edit mode and changing the dates. Makes scheduling go faster

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned

Thank you for the idea. Currently, this idea is not on our roadmap. If there are plans to consider bringing this functionality into accounts, we will share them here.

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