Master email marketing fundamentals. Join the Ready, Set, Send Challenge Week 2!

Email - Ability to save and reuse a block in other campaigns

It would be nice if we could create blocks that we could save into a library of sorts. All of our campaigns use similar contact blocks but very different headers. It would be nice to not have to recreate the block from scratch, or to exit the campaign, find the other campaign, copy the code, then head back to the original campaign.

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Updating the status of this request to Under Consideration to support our new community idea statuses to add better insight into your feedback.


Thank you for all of your feedback on this topic; I know this request has been around for many years. This is something we would love to be able to implement. We’ve had some plans in the past that have been reprioritized. The current thought is that we hope we will be able to focus on this at some point in the future, and some of the ideas floated around have been really cool! That being said, I don’t have any sort of estimated time that it might be accomplished. We do have a potential new feature coming this quarter that may help. We will keep this thread updated.


This is not a nice-to-have feature. It's a must have. To be able to copy a block or element from one email campaign to another. Copying the whole email is not a solution as we're always left doing mental gymnastics about whether to copy an email or start it from scratch because it ends up being more work to deconstruct the copy. Thank you for your consideration. 


We send out regular email campaigns where our lists are segmented per seller. We have touchpoints within that email where we have to duplicate the campaign and go in and change to each individual seller's information to have it personalized as coming from them. It would be amazing if I could save a box with their photo and signature information and just insert it every time - much less room for error!


I am sure this has been asked many times over, but, is there a way to copy a block from one e-mail campaign to another?  This is a huge headache to not have this feature. Thank you! 


Hello there, 

We utilize Constant Contact for distributing our weekly newsletters to our members.

It could be beneficial to have a library for recurring, though not consistently ongoing, segments or articles to be archived. This way, we can access them from a library and update details such as dates without having to recreate the entire article each time or search through past emails.

Thank you for listening!


This idea was first floated in 2015. It was moved to "Under Construction" in 2022. What are the chances of getting this feature before I retire in 2028? Just wondering!


The original request for this function was submitted in 2015. 
How long does it need to be "under consideration" before it is available? 

In the free platform I used before buying a CC subscription, this function was available. 

Come on, CC!!! This is a basic function--please move forward and create savable text blocks for the many of us who need to drop them into our emails regularly. 

Campaign Collaborator

We used to be able to copy and paste a block from one campaign to another via html but Constant Contact took that away a number of years ago.  It was a huge timesaver and now I have to recreate things over and over.  Please make this a priority for the next platform update!  

Marketing Legend

I may have written this sometime before--this idea has been under discussion for a very long time. But what I would like to see is something like a "block library" that allows you to insert a saved block into multiple emails (including to be able to edit it once inserted, when need be). Recreating stock copy blocks iw one of the colossal wastes of time within the Constant Contact interface.


Hello I am in need if a custom layout or the ability to be able to create a layout button to be able to drag on to the email to cut my email creation process in half. There are already set layouts however there is not one that fits my specific need. I need the following Layout Created but maybe even a bit more specifically detailed to my needs if its possible there is more information that I would like to have set in there. 


I need one layout to be able to drag on to the email that has the following in this order.


Divider Line





Divider line


Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 5.02.58 AM.png

Campaign Contributor

When I create a new campaign, I want to insert what I call a footer into the new campaign.

Essentially, I want to insert a section that is saved onto a new campaign. 


Right now I have to open an old campaign and copy the content, close it open the campaign I am working on and paste in the content.

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