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[Events 2.0] Ability to see scheduled/sent date of event email, event emails to show on Calendar

After scheduling an Events 2.0 Beta email, it appears under the event's "Event-related campaigns" [1]. However, it lacks the "Scheduled for (date and time)" tag as it does for scheduled campaign emails [2]. There's no way to determine an event-related scheduled email date; you must unschedule the event email and reschedule it.


Also, scheduled campaign emails appear on the Calendar [3]. However, the calendar does show the event-related emails (sent or scheduled). We look at the calendar as a task-timing tool to space out scheduled emails to avoid blowing up contacts' inboxes, i.e., sending multiple emails on the same day.  








Status changed to: Acknowledged

We're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team, and also made slight changes to the subject line in order for it to be more easily found. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this feature request, but it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release.

Campaign Expert



Having worked with the Legecy events program for almost a decade, I have a few suggestions for improvements to the new Events system:

  • On the event home page, show the date emails are scheduled to be sent -- not the date the email was generated.  I am having difficulty deciding if I need to unschedule an email because I don't remember what date I had it scheduled for.
  • When I unschedule an email, remember what date and time I had originally had it scheduled for. Sometimes I just need to make a quick edit to the email itself and want to send it the same time and date I originally had set.
  • Allow me to edit the links in the event invitation email.  The graphic and the Register button automatically go to the landing page. The landing page looks just like the new emails (which I love, BTW), so I am asking my readers to click through what looks like the same page twice to get to the registration page. I am seeing multiple click throughs on my event invitation emails that are not translating into registrations. :frown:  Allow me to edit the link to the event graphic and Registration button so I can link it to the event registration page, not the event. landing page.

Please reach out if you have questions.  Thanks!

Campaign Expert

It would be helpful to see emails that are scheduled as well as those that have been sent on the calendar so that users can see how our emails are spaced out.  If this same calendar could show events scheduled, that would be even better!


I have created several emails for an event. It is much easier in the new version - thank you! Please add the date the email was sent to the dashboard. Right now only the date created is shown. I am much more interested in when the email was sent than when it was created. 


Thank you for listening. 



Please fix so that emails, landing pages, etc... show up in the Marketing Campaigns tab under those headings.  It's confusing when I'm looking for an email I sent as part of an event and then have to go to the event and look around for it.  


It would be very helpful to have the scheduled promotional emails related to events to be visible in the calendar view. Right now I can only see when emails not connected to an event are scheduled. We like to use the calendar tool to tell when emails are scheduled to ensure we are not sending multiple to the same constituents on the same day. However, with many of our emails being related to a workshop or training we are offering, we can rarely tell what days emails are scheduled for easily. You cannot even tell when you view them in list form either. I would have to go into each individual event to see what emails are scheduled for what day. This has caused a lot of problems recently as we are entering our busy season for training and events. Please include all scheduled emails, even those in an event, in the calendar view!


in newest version of Events - when looking at the events email list for future emails it does not show when they are scheduled to be sent.  you have to unschedule the event.  this is not ideal :frown:


Love the new Event platform, others have said, this is a huge flaw that we cannot see when event emails are scheduled. We have many emails that go out every week and to not be able to see the marketing emails and event emails on the same calendar is really an inconvenience as now I have to keep a separate calendar since you need to unschedule and reschedule the event ones if you don't know when you schedule it to be sent.  Additionally, it would be nice to be able to preview the emails in the event module before you copied it to send again.

In the email listing under Event 2.0 event campaigns, it's showing the created date. It's better to show the scheduled date/time instead. Thanks.

I would like to be able to see WHEN an email is scheduled without having to 'unschedule' it -- this was an option in the old system that I very much appreciated. 

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