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Go back to contact view when editing

When I'm working with contacts, sometimes I need to make changes to several contacts with the same last name. In the old contacts system there was a "back" option that would allow me to return to the previous search would be nice to still be able to do that instead of having to search again once I've looked at a specific contact's screen.

Status changed to: Certified Great Idea
Campaign Contributor

The inability to go back and forth easily between the contact list and the details of a contact is very very frustrating! Doing any kind of major cleanup of my contact list is almost impossible when the list reloads every time, takes me back to Active instead of looking at View All Contacts, and always takes me back to the top of the list so I have to scroll back down to where I was in the list. I wish you would update your software so it is more user friendly.

After I update a specific contact it goes back to the beginning of my contacts. It would be helpful it went back to the contact I left off with so I don't have to go back through them all again.
Marketing Expert
How about when we are scrolling through contacts and we click on a contact and come back to the main page we had just left, we pick up where we left off rather than finding ourselves at the top of the list again. That would be so much more efficient than having to scroll down to find where we left off
Often it is necessary to make global changes to a subset of contacts, like changing the company name for all contacts with a particular tag. Right now, this is a tedious process of accessing each contact individually, change the value, hit save and then go back to the list. This is made doubly difficult by an apparent bug in the way contacts are filtered. When I clicked a tag to filter the list, I was only able to change two contacts before the list reverted to all contacts and I had to select the filter again. A list editor a la spreadsheet would make this process much easier. Or at least fix the bug so the list filter stays on.

when deleting contacts it would be very helpful if it didn't send me back to the first page every time. It is very time consuming when i am scrubbing doubles and I have to navigate back to the page I was on every time. Why can't it keep us where we left off. It sends us back to the first page every time

You should fix the contact list so that when I'm on page 3, and I leave the page to see another view of a customer, when I hit the back arrow, it takes me back to page 3, NOT to page 1, forcing me to scroll thru to find my former spot. Very frustrating.
Status changed to: New

Hello @DanC040,


Thank you for this feedback. As a workaround, you are able to export the list of contacts that you want to update, update that information in the Excel file you exported, then re-upload the file and make sure to match the updated column with the correct field. This will update all the contacts on the file in one go. I've passed your feedback along for voting.


If I have my contacts screen open and I'm attempting to move 3/4 of the contacts that are visible to a different list, I have to MANUALLY click every contact (huge time waster). If you click the "select all" button at the top of the column, it literally selects all your contacts not just the ones that are shown. There is no way to select a bunch of contacts at once.


Also, once I manually click all the contacts I want to move I go ahead and move them. Once I move them I want them to be gone from the current list, so then I have to MANUALLY click them all over again. This is ridiculous and takes forever and needs to be fixed. 

I am trying to delete some older contacts from our contacts list (started at around 15k contacts) and every time I delete contacts it takes me back to the first page (Last Names starting with A). It would be EXTREMELY helpful if either when you delete something you stay on the page where you deleted the contacts OR have page listings on the bottom so i can directly jump to a specific section of contacts.
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