Head count on RSVP's

0 Votes

I love the RSVP feature. Adding an option to include how many are attending would be huge! Thank you!

Status changed to: Gathering Information

Hello @VanessaC9372 ,


Can you elaborate on the "how may are attending" bit? Are you meaning you want the exact number included in the exported drilldown of clicks for the "attending" option? Or are you referring to seeing the number of attending included elsewhere beyond the email's click report and specific link drilldown page? 


Or, are you looking more for something like the event tool for emaling and managing attendees? 

Campaign Contributor

Using the RSVP feature currently I only have 3 options: yes, no and one more. I'd like an option that asks how many guests a responder is bringing. How many guests will attend with you? The responder can answer with, 2, 3 4, etc. I really don't want to create a full event when all I need is a head count. 


Thank you! 


This wouldn't be an available function of the RSVP tool at this time. If you're interested in having RSVP expanded beyond its current functionalities, I'd advise voting and voicing use cases on this Ideas thread


The only real workaround I can advise, is either having a follow-up email with the people who clicked a custom-set option for "Yes, and bringing guests," or using the event system


Since there's an existing idea thread for this, I'll be closing this thread and locking comments to encourage others to visit the relevant thread for voting and use cases.

Status changed to: Closed - No Action
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