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Immediate email notification of each new subscriber and update

I would love to be able to set up an alert when someone joins one of my contact lists!

Top Answer

Hi all. While we do not have any updates to share regarding sign-up notifications, we've made sure to correct the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team and also made slight changes to the subject line in order for it to be more easily found. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this feature request but it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release. If we hear any discussions to include other timing options, we'll share them here.


As previously mentioned, there is an automated Subscriber Activity Report that can be set to send daily to your inbox.


I also need to get real-time notifications when prospects sign up. Really, what I'm looking for is a "Please Contact Me" button where I can get an immediate notification so my team can call them. I just started using Constant Contact and I posted this question in another thread. It doesn't look like I can do this with the landing page I set up. The most frequent notification looks like daily. Is there another button I could create to get immediate notifications? We are using Constant Contact to do follow-ups with prospects that have already expressed interest in our product and want to be able to call them right away when they click on. Please contact me.


Is there another way to do this? Thank you!


Hi @JasonH889


At this time users do not have the ability to receive an automatic notification when a contact subscribes to their account. You can however receive email updates daily or weekly. We will reach out to this thread if there are any further updates to share.


I need to be notified each time a contact submits a form. I don't mean when they are added to a list — I have that set up already. I know each form has its analytics and you can see who's visited, but why isn't that information in the contact's details? I have about 40 forms (technically lead generation pages). I can't go through all of those each time I notice a new contact's joined my "list."


Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi all. While we do not have any updates to share regarding sign-up notifications, we've made sure to correct the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team and also made slight changes to the subject line in order for it to be more easily found. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this feature request but it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release. If we hear any discussions to include other timing options, we'll share them here.


As previously mentioned, there is an automated Subscriber Activity Report that can be set to send daily to your inbox.

Campaign Expert

I can't sign-up for notifications on a specific sign-up form. I want to be notified by email when someone signs-up on one specific form. The limitation is both on 1) when the report is sent (currently can only select daily or a specific day) and 2) it sends for all the sign-up forms and not just one form.


THIS IS VITAL. does it. Why can't you? It's a real hardship for my client. VERY FRUSTRATING. I'm very disappointed in this product on behalf of all my clients who use Constant Contact. Dawn Stanyon


Is there way within constant contact to set up an automated email journey as a work around for this issue? Ie. when a new sign-up through a form is completed or when a contact is added to a list, a certain email gets a notification? 


I really wouldn't have signed up and paid for the premium plan if I would have known this was an ongoing issue that Constant Contact had no plans to remedy 


Hi @L87585 


Users can set up automated email updates for when a contact subscribes to their account. This thread is however dedicated to wanting to receive these updates after every individual sign-up. At this time users can only receive this type of notification once a day.


Frankie - yes that is quite obvious. I was trying to think of a work around. You clearly did not understand my comment. Instead of any actual update on this feature-add, I got a condescending answer. 

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