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Inline form code to include current url

0 Votes

We are trying to use your inline form to put on web listings for our products that are currently unavailable (backorder due to covid 19) so they can request to be notified when it becomes available. We're going to apply this to around 600 different part numbers/web listings.


You currently dont have it written in your inline code for the form to capture the current url of the page they're signing up on. We had to add a field where they have to type the part number in. That is not convenient for the customer nor does it follow website best practices. We need to make it easy for them to sign up so they will be notified and hopefully purchase it later on.


Is this something that you could add into the code for us? This feature may be very helpful to many of your other customers as well.

Please let me know.


Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @EricS044  thanks for sharing this feedback with us! We can understand how helpful a feature like this would be, and apologize our inline forms do not currently have this ability. We have however tracked this feature request on your behalf and opened up this idea so other users can weigh in as well.

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned

At this time, we do not have plans to include this kind of functionality into our inline forms. Should we hear any updates in the future, we'll reply here.

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