Master email marketing fundamentals. Join the Ready, Set, Send Challenge Week 2!

New campaign builder is horrible!

There's no room for customization with the new updated campaign builder... it's absolutely terrible. it's all blocks and now every campaign looks like everyone elses.

  • No consistency between editor options on the premade templates vs. built from scratch
  • Some premade templates offer 3 column options. if you use the build from scratch option, there is no ability or option to create 3 columns or more.
  • Would like to see more options in the builder such as custom padding options vs. automatic padding
  • Ability to create 3 columns without having to use a premade template
  • Buttons radius does not work to make corners rounded
  • Trying to create multiple rows with spacer/divider between and same color background still shows white space in between if background color is different color than white
  • Would be nice to have text wrap around a photo when you're introducing a new employee or sending a blog style campaign.
Marketing Legend

the new update is terrible and you have a large amount of customers complaining about it. What if we had the Ability to choose using the older editor version and new drag/drop version with each campaign we create?? That would give everyone a lot more flexibility that they are requesting!


Hi @ErinGarvey


Thanks for sharing your feedback with us! When you say there is no consistency between premade templates versus creating from scratch, do you mean creating email campaigns from HTML? The good news is this updated cross platform editor does allow both horizontal and vertical padding editing when you click directly on the block you want to edit. Having the ability to have rounded buttons is also a feature request we are actively tracking. We do recommend sharing your need for that feature directly on its thread.


For the white background color displaying between between multiple rows can you share a screenshot of what you are seeing? As for text wrapping, users do have the ability to wrap text around an image in the cross platform editor. Users can do through the click-and-stick function as well as dragging-and-dropping. If you are still unable to do this we recommend contacting our support directly for further assistance.

Status changed to: Gathering Information
Marketing Legend

Hi Frankie - please see screenshot on the "white lines" that are showing when using different blocks with a color background. This was on a draft we made. They were in separate block areas instead of using the blurb block model with the button included.



Marketing Legend

To answer the rest of your questions... please see below answers in BLUE! thank you!


  • Thanks for sharing your feedback with us! When you say there is no consistency between premade templates versus creating from scratch, do you mean creating email campaigns from HTML?
    • In some premade templates - there are 3-column block areas already established in the template that can be used. I thought the 3-column option was not available for creating a blank template, but see it is now. My mistake, disregard this question.
  • The good news is this updated cross platform editor does allow both horizontal and vertical padding editing when you click directly on the block you want to edit.
    • I see the padding option but there is no detailed padding option such as your own custom width and height for padding... ex: TOP 5px, RIGHT: 4px, LEFT: 3px, BOTTOM: 20px. This is what i meant by "custom padding options vs. automatic padding". In which there is currently only automatic padding.
  • Having the ability to have rounded buttons is also a feature request we are actively tracking. We do recommend sharing your need for that feature directly on its thread.
    • In the button options/customization, there is a rounded corner icon with the number option next to it. I assumed this was for rounding the corners but it does not work. What does this customization do? Please see screenshot.



  • As for text wrapping, users do have the ability to wrap text around an image in the cross platform editor. Users can do through the click-and-stick function as well as dragging-and-dropping.
    • Please see screenshot of an example of how i mean by "text wrapping". Unfortaunltey it does not work in the cross platform editor. Also see screenshot for the cross platform editor click and stick. It does not work








  • What is the difference in the "click and stick" function rather than the current editor drag and drop? What benefits are there? I tried to read and look for this info on your link and in the help forums and could not find this info on the benefits and what it is used for. 
  • What is the different in the cross-device editor vs. current? Do i have access to all features? 

Hi @ErinGarvey

Thanks for following up with us on your experience! Here are some further details we can share:

  • White lines between blocks - Where are seeing this, what is the name of this email campaign? We would be happy to take a closer look.
  • Ability to set specific padding to an item in your email - We recommend sharing your need for this directly on its feature request thread.
  • Rounded buttons - You are correct, users do have now have the ability to edit the corners of their button through the button radius option in the screenshot you have provided. We apologize for any confusion caused from my previous response about this.
  • Text wrapping - We have taken a look at your account and was unable to replicate this same experience in our Community Support copy. If you are still unable to wrap your text around images we ask that you please call into our support for further assistance. Support does have the ability to do a glance session to see what's happening with dragging images in.
  • Difference between click and stick vs. drag and drop/benefits - The difference is our click and stick feature allows users to release their finger from your mouse or touchpad instead of holding it down when moving a block. We have previously received reports of users having a hard time moving a block to their desired space from removing their finger too quickly.
  • Difference between 3GE vs. cross device editor - The difference between the two editors is that our cross device editor is designed to work consistently across desktop computers and mobile devices, and provide you with more customization options. In fact here is an article that helps go into further details about this editor as well.

With all this said, the good news is you do have access to all available features in our cross device editor!

Status changed to: Closed - No Action

It appears most of your questions and concerns regarding the editor have been addressed. If you require assistance when creating a campaign, please visit our Help Center.


If you have feedback on the editor, you can provide information in a new post. This way we can track it accurately.

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