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Put dates back on contact list

0 Votes

I see that you changed the way that contacts are listed, adding "SMS status" and removing the date they signed up. But I still need to be able to sort the list by the date they were added. It's very useful to see it on the list. Please add it back.

Status changed to: Clarifying

Hi @KittredgeC. The Date Added option wasn't removed. It is still available under Modify Columns in the Contacts view. Are you able to see this option. 

Campaign Collaborator

I don't see any option for dates when I look under "modify columns" in the Contacts view. Here's a screenshot of my options.
Constant Contact 2024-12-16 Modify Columns.png


You need to remove one of the other columns, so that there's an available slot to select the date option desired. Please refer to the article Caitlin linked for step-by-spte and visual guidance on this process.

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