Master email marketing fundamentals. Join the Ready, Set, Send Challenge Week 2!

Show and sort most and least engaged contacts

Hello, I am incredibly impressed with the level of service I have received form Constant Contact and tell folks all the time it is the best company I have ever worked with. However, that being said there is something I need or else I will be looking elsewhere for service(I HATE SAYING THAT). You need to include a column in the reports section that we can export. We need to be able to see the engagement level of our customers so we can order them from greatest to lease and vice versa. From a sales perspective this is a must. I can remove hundreds from my list that have never opened an e-mail or I can call the folks in person that have opened everything I have sent. Without this ability I am missing HUGE opportunities to know who is hot and who is cold. Please do this ASAP, I have been asking for 6 months and have seen nothing yet. I DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE CONSTANT CONTACT! Please!!

Top Answer

Hi everyone, thank you for your patience as we looked into this! Because many of the requests made on this thread are currently available through contact engagement, so we are going to close this idea. Please feel free to continue voting and commenting on any of the other open ideas to let us know what you would like to see.

erase record of certain engagements happening for a certain contact. This is important to my organization because we update contact activity between Constant Contact and Donor Perfect on nightly basis which backlogs all activity within 90 days. However, for some accounts in Donor Perfect we don't want this contact activity logged. However, Donor Perfects system will either update all or none of the records and does not allow us to select which records we would like updated. So, if there was no record of a certain engagement happening within Constant Contact, then the nightly updates would not affect our Donor Perfect records.
I am unable to copy a name or email address from MyReports/Clicked window without multiple pop-ups redirecting me, and taking me a way from the Clicked reports... Very frustrating and disheartening. Following up on our Clicks is the primary reason for having our newsletter. Please help.
Constant Contact Partner
It would be helpful if you add in all your features of the old contact list to the new system, such as email history and bounce history. Also who added the name (admin or subscriber) and the date when subscribed. Thanks DahliaWebDesignsLLC
Campaign Expert
Its easy to see when looking at a single campaign report how many people opened it and when - and who clicked on what. Real value would be a cumulative report that id's "regular" readers or clickers. IE - after sending out several campaigns - it would be really useful to apply a filter to the results and pull out these repeat readers and clickers. that would be a real mussel flex
It's great to see engagement history in each contact. But it's not very useful there, since I can't delete a contact from that view. And I can't see that history when I am on the list view where I can delete contacts. So, I need a way (preferably via a list view) of checking engagement history for a group of contacts and then being able to delete those that haven't engaged over a time period or the last X emails received, etc.
Campaign Contributor


I write my emails on WORD and include links.  When I try to copy and paste, the LINKS are LOST.  How do I preserve them?  This is critical to our usage.


How can we do this??  Please help??


Should we past to HTML??


D Bruce Brown.

Hate Hate Hate the new click through reports. Used to get a better history of what they clicked on and when. THe new report does not provide the level of detail of the previous report that I need to pass on to sales. Previous report showed the full scope of their interest all in one view that went back 90 days.
Campaign Collaborator
I cannot see what a contact has clicked on inside an email. I am looking at the the contact's profile page. On the right side list of engagements, shows that they have clicked on an email. There is no way to see what they clicked. This information is useless if I don't know what they are interested in.
Doesn't flow for me. Used to be able to see a reason as to why a message was not received at the customer's email address when viewing their profile....I don't see that now.
The list of contacts that are bouncing is not consistent on the reason why the contact was bouncing. This makes it impossible for me to know if I need to remove the contact or not. Then to try to access the history of the contact to see how long the bouncing has been going on in a pain in the butt - I have to open a new window and do copy and paste between the two windows to look up the history. On top of it, when I finally reach the history, it doesn't give me the reason there either. Please change it back to the old system where everything was consistent, reliable and on the same screen where I didn't have to hop, skip and jump all over the place and still have unreliable information to work with...
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