Master email marketing fundamentals. Join the Ready, Set, Send Challenge Week 2!

Want to see which user took specific actions

It would be extremely helpful if you could see which account user was performing actions. Who created a campaign, who added a contact, who edited a contact, etc.


For accounts with multiple users logging in, we need to be able to see who is making which changes. Almost for quality control.


Example - A contact is added to 'All Office' list, however they should not be on that list. Management needs to be able to track the user down, that added this contact, to see why the contact was added to the wrong list.


It's great we now have the ability to add different user roles; however this 'activity tracking' or 'multi-user setup' has been requested since 2013 on various threads.


Hey suport team of Constant Contact, is this Feature Active or not??


IS there a plan in the near future to add this??

Will be very useful to have a list of actions made by each user in our accounts

Who created what, who schelude when?


I agree with KLNB above and came here just to search for this. We have 10 users (including myself) and all it says when a user is added is that 

Added by Site Owner on Dec 17, 2020 • Edited Dec 17, 2020 at 10:43 am
Except, I didn't add this - someone else did and if that is the case, I need to know who.
I'd also love to see who is creating/editing/updating a campaign. While the last logged-in field is great, if they are not actively creating and sending campaigns then they don't need the account. 
Please address these requests. thank you!!
Campaign Contributor
Hi - I'm very happy to see that we can create additional users under one account! While assigning users different permission levels is nice, the real value for us with this new feature is the ability to see who created what campaigns and who imported/created which contact records. Another valuable feature would be the ability topull reports by the user that created them. I hope these things are in the works!

When we schedule an email campaign, it does not say WHEN the email was scheduled to be sent. For example, if I am sending an email for Sunday, December 26, it doesn't say this campaign was scheduled for delivery on Thursday, December 23. Also, a campaign doesn't give us an edit history. This would be helpful information for audit purposes or accountability. 

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @JeannineB3 what are some cases where you would want to see the date the campaign was scheduled on rather than the date it was scheduled for? Or are you looking for the option to have both included? We have also submitted your feedback on wanting edit history to the appropriate teams on your behalf.


hi! We would want to have both dates included on all campaigns that are scheduled. thank you for your consideration on this, I feel this would be a benefit to everyone. 


Hi @JeannineB3


Where in your campaign/account are you looking to see when it was scheduled? As for the edit history, are you looking to view this information by campaign or by user?


It would be helpful to see the edit history per campaign and what user made the edits. Thank you for keeping this going. 

Status changed to: Acknowledged

We have no means to make creators accountable for their activities. If multiple creators have access and a significant mistake is made, there is no way for us to confirm who was responsible.

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