I want to create a section that allows a user to sign up for one or more newsletters from various topics and capture the email
X Food & Nutrition
X Mental Health
X Mobile Food Bank
Is segmentation the best way to do this? They click F & N and it goes to that list? Or is there a better way?
Also is there a way to make one click and it selects all?
Hi @user683222. I'm assuming these examples will be used as lists in the account. At this time, lead generation pages do not allow for more than one list to display on the form for contacts to choose their interests. We have a feature request for this available on our Feedback boards and I encourage you to comment or click on the thumbs up so you are notified of any updates. Segmentation is only accessible within the account so this could not be used for contacts to join certain lists.
As a workaround, you can use our Legacy Landing Pages that allow for new contacts to select lists to join. They are available by clicking on Sign-Up Forms > Legacy Landing Pages. Under Sign Up Form, click Actions > Edit. You can make customizations to this form including selecting those lists to display.
Hello @user683222,
If you use our legacy Landing pages, it will allow new customers to select which list they would like to be on. So they can choose which newsletter to receive from you. Thanks!
If someone unsubscribes from one of the newsletters do they remain subscribed to the other?
Hello @PBVMSF,
If someone unsubscribes, they do get unsubscribed from the entire account. A customer will want to select Update Profile instead if they want to remove themselves from only one specific list. Thank you!
I am not finding legacy landing pages in constant contact now (July 2023). Is there a newer solution for letting folks sign up for more than one newsletter list at a time? I am using Squarespace. Thank you
Hello @ShannonHeart ,
The accessibility has changed a bit since the top nav bar got its update. Luckily it's still pretty straightforward.
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