Is there a way?!!?

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1) is there a way to increase the time when you automatically logged out?

2) In events, when you export the attendees (RSVPs), it only exports the name and email, but we need all the information from the custom form to be easily downloadable, otherwise we have to click into each individual person to find out the info we have asked them which is extremely time consuming. Is there a way to do this?

3) When I develop newsletters, there is often content from old newsletters that I would like to reuse, but there's no way of "saving a block" so I can later just add it to another newsletter. This is a real time waster as I have to recreate the whole piece of content again. Am I missing a way to do this?



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Hello @MarciaM992 ,


  1. No, this would come down to you needing to do something in your account, even if it's just refreshing the page before it times out from non-use.
  2. This is something our devs are working to bring into the Event 2.0 beta. Please see this Feedback thread for more info. 
  3. No, blocks cannot be copied from one template to another (Feedback thread). You'd either need to:

William A
Community & Social Media Support

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Top Answer

Hello @MarciaM992 ,


  1. No, this would come down to you needing to do something in your account, even if it's just refreshing the page before it times out from non-use.
  2. This is something our devs are working to bring into the Event 2.0 beta. Please see this Feedback thread for more info. 
  3. No, blocks cannot be copied from one template to another (Feedback thread). You'd either need to:

0 Votes

Hello @MarciaM992 ,


  1. No, this would come down to you needing to do something in your account, even if it's just refreshing the page before it times out from non-use.
  2. This is something our devs are working to bring into the Event 2.0 beta. Please see this Feedback thread for more info. 
  3. No, blocks cannot be copied from one template to another (Feedback thread). You'd either need to:

William A
Community & Social Media Support
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