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Add to Calendar link does not include link to Online Event in Add to Calendar Location

Please give users the ability to customize the content in the "Add to Calendar" .ics file that registrants can download and add to their iCalendars. This functionality is important, especially now that many companies and organizations are hosting webinars/online meetings.


Currently, when registrants download the .ics file, the copy in the auto-generated invite contains the link to register for the event. Why include this link to register when they've already registered for the event? Instead, we should be able to copy and paste the link to the online event (usually a Zoom, Webex or online meeting link) as well as the login information (access codes, meeting numbers, etc.)

Top Answer

Hi all. This idea was submitted when our Legacy Event tool was active. It has since been decommissioned. All events are created using the Events 2.0 tool.


At this time, this functionality is not included in Events 2.0 but we are continuing to collect feedback and measure the need to include the online event URL within the Add to Calendar link. Please engage with this post so it is properly tracked with our Product teams. We are closing this post for future comments.


The registration confirmation includes the online event URL. Registrants will need to manually add the link in their calendars.


Hello all. While we do not have an update on this particular issue, our event tool is being reviewed for better usability and experience for both you and your registrants. If we have any information to share, we will update this thread.


Yes please Constant Contact! With no in person events in the near future, everything is webinar. Not having the login details, link to meeting, etc in the calendar item is forcing me to use RSVPify and other services that DO include this functionality. Please don't force me off Constant Contact

Campaign Collaborator

Yes please, Constant Contact!  Get this Done ASAP and don' let us wait for another 6 years! 

Campaign Contributor

Please address this! It makes zero sense for the automatically pulled content to direct registrants to the registration page where they've already registered. Please allow full editing functionality of both the confirmation email (as opposed to automatically pulling content - it gets repetitive when we have to input the webinar link in the event description so it's listed 2x in the confirmation email) AND the .ics file that is generated. PLEASE!

Hi, we are using the events page for participants to sign up one-time for a recurring event that happens weekly. The start date and end date correspond to the start date and end date of the period when the events are held weekly. I discovered that in the registration confirmation email the auto-generated "Add to Calendar" make it a daily event in the calendar during the period between the start date and the end date.  I would appreciate if you can give users of ConstantContact the option of removing the "Add to Calendar" link in the registration confirmation email so that registrants won't be able to add to calendar. Otherwise the event page is perfect for recurring events/webinar series sign-ups even though ConstantContact doesn't have a campaign template set up specially for one-time registration for recurring events. If you can quickly come up with a way for a user to edit the schedule in "Add to Calendar" link, it also works. I hope you can resolve this issue asap. 



Please fix this issue, I am have the same issue -- we lost 40% of our registrants because they were directed to the registration page instead of the zoom link. If this does not get fixed, we will need to evaluate switching to another platform.


This issue needs to be corrected ASAP. There is no logic in someone registering for an event and then the Add to Calendar only has a link for registration instead of the actual event link. I have done all the alternative suggestions but it doesn't help with the actual Add to Calendar, which is what most people use and don't think to copy the actual event link and paste into the calendar invite, which they shouldn't need to do anyway. The system should automatically put the actual event link into Add to Calendar but I will take at this point being able to change it myself. This has been a long-term issue that should be prioritized and corrected as soon as possible. This is currently my biggest issue with using Constant Contact.

Brand Visionary

I can't believe you still haven't fixed this very basic, yet very important issue - especially since all events have been virtual for the last 7 months.  This should be your #1 priority.  I'm already researching other platforms, because this is ridiculous.


I am guessing that the issue of redirecting registrants back to the event registration page (with the auto "Add to my Calendar") still has not been resolved? Constant Contact - can you please confirm? This is very frustrating and really problematic. Thank you. 


Hi @Hammes you are correct, at this time this feature is not yet available. There are many factors that are used to decide what is added to or updated in our product which can cause us to sometimes not have a timeline for when a feature will be available. Though this may be the case, our Product teams have decided to focus on a complete redesign of our Event product and is allocating resources to it. We will reach back out to this thread with any further updates.

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