Master email marketing fundamentals. Join the Ready, Set, Send Challenge Week 2!

Attaching lists before scheduling

On the old platform, I used to be able to attach the lists while still in draft mode. Now even when I attach and save the lists are no longer attached when I go back to work on the email campaign. I often have to  pull/create lists from outside of CC that I load up just for a specific campaign and I don't want to forget I have created the list so it would be helpful if I could attach the list before I am ready to schedule. This was an option on the old platform and I would love to see it brought back or at least an explanation on why it was taken away.

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @BoardofTrade what are some cases where you would want to attach your contact list to a campaign before sending or before the draft is finalized?

Campaign Expert

Honestly all the time. We send out a lot of event promotion emails and I like to remove people that have already registered. It's helpful if I can do that in advance then attach the revised list to the campaign so it's sitting and ready to go when I receive approval to send. If it's not already attached then I have to remember if I have done that step yet or not and usually repeat the task just to be sure.


Hi - since the new third party editing format was implemented, I can no longer see which groups I've selected before clicking send.  It used to be that I could choose the groups and press save and then I could review the groups to make sure I have the correct ones selected before sending.


Also, I just accidentally chose the wrong group and immediately pressed unschedule and it wouldn't allow me to do my email went to the wrong group because it went out instantly.


Why has the functionality completely changed?  I get the removal of the copying of legacy emails, but why does everything else have to change with that?

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @NikkiC707 where in the email creation process are you looking to see which contact lists were selected? Are you unable to see your lists checked off on the scheduling page?




I'm saying that you used to be able to click Save and it would show the groups selected before pressing send.  That option is no longer there and if an incorrect group was accidentally selected, there's no way of knowing until after you click send.  I saw it after I clicked send and immediately clicked unschedule, but it went out instantly and there was no way for me to stop it.

Marketing Legend

We just recently encountered a situation where it would have been really helpful to have this feature. We have a small list of spanish-speaking readers and occasionally send an email in Spanish to that list only. Recently we made the error twice of sending it to the wrong list, to people who had never expressed any interest in the Spanish mailings. We've been discussing what to do to have a double check before the email goes out on what list it is going to. As things stand generally, this falls only on the person who actually does the send. There is no way a second proofreader can double check to be sure the settings are right.

Marketing Legend

Please add a "Not Yet" option into the Send screen. And have it default to that option.

We often have to go into Send screen to see the counts based upon applying different filters. Recently we went in to do that, but since "Send Now" is the default, when we exited the email was deployed accidentally.


Hi @BrianJ557


Does the "schedule for later" option that is currently available help fit your needs?


Status changed to: Open Questions
Marketing Legend

I can't speak for @BrianJ557 but it doesn't seem to me "schedule for later" is a solution. Sometimes you want to be able to see what's happening with the list or segment already assigned, and you don't want to have to set a time on it. There should be a way that you can assign the list it will ultimately go to but keep it in draft mode.

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