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Importing files larger then 5mb

Please up your maximum file size for attachments (documents & photos). Currently you cannot upload a file larger than 5MB to attach to an email which is extremely inconvenient when you have well-designed trainings with multiple screenshots. Even after compressing my 13 page training it was 5.7MB, still too large. A simple Gmail account allows you to upload attachments that are up to 25MB, so only allowing for 5MB is very low. It's even more frustrating because our company is only using 9% of it's total available space, so there's plenty of room available for a couple larger attachments.

Top Answer

*Updated July 2023*


We acknowledge that this particular feedback has been requested for quite a while. The current file size requirements can be quite limiting for some. We currently have some tickets open within our product and engineering teams to look at increasing file upload sizes. With further research, in our current state, if there was an allowance for a larger file size for any type of file in the library (documents and images), the images would resize to 1200px width and suppress image quality.


At this time, there are no further updates in terms of expected timelines. We'll keep you posted.


Hi Charles,


I'm sorry to hear this. Unfortunately. our filed upload limits have not changed. They remain at 1 mb or 20,000 contacts. I took a look at your account, it looks like you uploaded 2 files yesterday totalling roughly 11,000 contacts. This is an unsually low number for it to reject, if this is the file you are referring to. You can try re-saving the file as a .csv. If there is any formatting causing a large file size, this should clear it out and allow you to upload as one.


I sent an email to your inbox to the address that we have on file. I would be more than happy to take a look at the file if you could reply back with the information from that email.

Contact management process is more difficult and lengthy with the recent upgrade. Limit of 1 MB in uploads is too low and causes us to do much more work.
Status changed to: New
I am sorry you've been bumping against that upload limit! What you may find helpful is to save your spreadsheet as a .csv file type and try uploading that way instead of splitting what you have. Changing to this file type might make for a smaller file and allow for fewer steps in the long run. If you continue to see issues with it, I'd recommend you contact the support team here for further assistance. We can be reached at 855-229-5506 when you have a moment!
Campaign Expert
The new 1 MB excel file size limit is not user friendly and should be removed. Previously we could export a fresh list of members from our member database and easily upload. Now there is a multistep process to split the lists. _Please fix the file upload page.
when i signed up for constant contact the file size limit for pdf uploads was 10mb. it was downgraded to 5mb without any price adjustments. my primary use of constant contact is to email electronic publications to customers and the 5mb limit is below my needs. it's unfortunate since I really liked constant contacts other services.
Campaign Contributor
The limit of 1 Mb data when importing contact information is too small even for our small business. With the overhead of Excel one make of data is less than 1000 names. We have over 65,000 customers many of whom want to sign up when we talk to them on the phone or received written correspondence. Many of our customers are old and don't want to bother of signing up themselves they simply want to tell us and have it done.
It is very frustrating trying to make files small enough to fit this size requirement, especially when the file can't be reduced any further.

Hi Thomas,


Thank you for providing us with this feedback.


If you save your file as a .csv you will be able to upload it. You can also segment the file in to multiple files and upload it that way. I hope these suggestions will help with some of the frustration.


If you have additional feedback or any questions please feel free to reach out to us. You can also reach us by phone at 800-240-2302.


Have a great day!

Status changed to: New
Status changed to: New
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