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Library - More Search & Sorting Options

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Setup the photo library into two parts - one part general and the other frequently used where I can dump the mastheads and any other photos I use regularly - so don't have to scroll through the entire library to change out my mastheads.



Hi @SarahD1986


There are many factors that are used to decide what is added to or updated in our product which can cause us to sometimes not have a timeline for when a feature will be available. We did however want to make you aware we have read your feedback, as all feedback is read by Constant Contact employees. I apologize while we may not respond to every comment – it is acknowledged and tracked directly with our Product Team. So thank you for submitting your feedback on sorting images in your library. We are always open to ways we can better our user’s experience! In fact, here is a section of our Community that helps explain what we do with our customer’s feedback. With that said, we will reach out to this thread when any updates have been made.


Ditto. What's going on? Is this for us to pay for more space? 


Hi @MaryAnnL73


We currently recommend using the advanced search to look for a specific date range to delete your older images. With that said, we have merged this post into a larger thread focused on having the ability to sort libraries that have more than 1,000 files in it.

It would be useful to be able to sort the images by date uploaded. Thank you.
Marketing Legend
Can you PLEASE make the columns sortable in the library?? It's virtually impossible to clean up old files without this capability. Thanks
Would like to be able to sort by reverse date - oldest to newest to more easily delete old images and documents
Constant Contact Partner
You should be able to sort the library in different ways, like oldest to newest, most used, ect. It would also make it easier to delete stuff.

Why can't I sort my images by file size?


Hello @AmandeepN1. At this time, sorting library files by size is not an available feature within the Library. I can see how this would be useful for those with larger libraries so I will open the idea up for voting.

Campaign Expert

I echo the complaints by everyone else. I have hit the limit in my account and am trying to delete old images from the library and not having the ability to sort from old to new means that I need to keep clicking "show more" page after page after get to the point where I can start deleting old images from several years ago. I noticed that I can only delete around 50 images at a time, otherwise the whole system chokes and freezes. Then I have to start all over again. I echo other complaints from people that after I've clicked "show more" dozens of times to get to the date range I'm looking for, and then save a single image into a folder, the whole library resets and I lose my place and need to start all over again clicking "show more" again to find the place where I left off. This is incredibly frustrating. I don't understand why it won't give the option to sort by date when there's over 1000 images/files in the library. Please make that simple fix!


P.S. I tried using the Advanced search features, which only allows entering a date range from sometime in the past up to today. So, that feature is also useless if I want to delete all images from 2015 for example. I still have to scroll backwards from the present to the date range I'm searching. Not helpful!

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