Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Email - Ability to save and reuse a block in other campaigns

It would be nice if we could create blocks that we could save into a library of sorts. All of our campaigns use similar contact blocks but very different headers. It would be nice to not have to recreate the block from scratch, or to exit the campaign, find the other campaign, copy the code, then head back to the original campaign.

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Updating the status of this request to Under Consideration to support our new community idea statuses to add better insight into your feedback.


Thank you for all of your feedback on this topic; I know this request has been around for many years. This is something we would love to be able to implement. We’ve had some plans in the past that have been reprioritized. The current thought is that we hope we will be able to focus on this at some point in the future, and some of the ideas floated around have been really cool! That being said, I don’t have any sort of estimated time that it might be accomplished. We do have a potential new feature coming this quarter that may help. We will keep this thread updated.


Constant Contact has so many issues. Not user friendly at all. Even the most basic ideas such as copy and pasting blocks between campaigns is not possible. It's 2020. Make your service more user friendly or we're moving to another email service.


Even though I understand why we cannot work in the HTML level with the newer templates, I miss being able to copy whole sections that would include links, pictures, formatting, etc. I can copy a section within a campaign, but not copy from one campaign to another (sigh).


So, the answer is no? You can't? Really wish I could do this too!

Campaign Contributor

We often use the same content in different email campaigns that are going to different audiences.  It would be great if there was an option to copy an entire block of content from one email campaign to another.  Right now, it seems the only option is to recreate the block and copy/paste the copy and go find the same photo in the library.


It is amazing to me that this is still an open thread after 3 years. We run a small college and regularly mix and match previously created content blocks into new mailings. Having to recreate every time is a huge productivity hit.

Campaign Collaborator

It’s been 2 1/2 years; what is the procedure to get this elevated to get CC’s attention?  Or at least an official response?




I agree with MichaelM6968.


Come on, guys.


Hi everyone! We apologize this tool is not yet available. There are many factors that are used to decide what is added to or updated in our product which can cause us to sometimes not have a timeline for when a feature will be available. Though we are still collecting feedback through this thread. In fact the more requests we receive the higher a priority it can be given with our Product Team.  I did also want to make you aware we have read your feedback, as all feedback is read by Constant Contact employees. I apologize while we may not respond to every comment – it is acknowledged. So thank you for submitting your feedback on our templates. We are always open to ways we can better our user’s experience! In fact, here is a section of our Community that helps explain what we do with our customer’s feedback.

Constant Contact Partner

It is pretty clear that nothing is going to change on this. Software is supposed to make your life easier, and while it may be that way for some of the users for Constant Contact, it certainly is not for me. Updates should add, not take away functionality, and that is what we have been dealing with for so long. Pretty ridiculous at this point.

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