Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Show and sort most and least engaged contacts

Hello, I am incredibly impressed with the level of service I have received form Constant Contact and tell folks all the time it is the best company I have ever worked with. However, that being said there is something I need or else I will be looking elsewhere for service(I HATE SAYING THAT). You need to include a column in the reports section that we can export. We need to be able to see the engagement level of our customers so we can order them from greatest to lease and vice versa. From a sales perspective this is a must. I can remove hundreds from my list that have never opened an e-mail or I can call the folks in person that have opened everything I have sent. Without this ability I am missing HUGE opportunities to know who is hot and who is cold. Please do this ASAP, I have been asking for 6 months and have seen nothing yet. I DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE CONSTANT CONTACT! Please!!

Top Answer

Hi everyone, thank you for your patience as we looked into this! Because many of the requests made on this thread are currently available through contact engagement, so we are going to close this idea. Please feel free to continue voting and commenting on any of the other open ideas to let us know what you would like to see.

Marketing Legend

It would be helpful to be able to print an engagement report for a contact. Many times a client will claim they have not been receiving our emails and have had to provide screen shots which is ridiculous.  Go back to the old way of printing the report.

Marketing Legend
I wish you could print out the engagement of a particular person.
Campaign Expert

It would be nice to see a history of any changes to an email address for individual contacts.  When I look at a contact's history of messages sent, sometimes there are bounces, or an account gets suspended. We do try to reach out the people to update the addresses and often do update the address.  Of course I would expect that later messages sent would then get through, but this isn't always the case.  When I'm looking at a contact and see that messages are bouncing or not, it would be nice to know when an email address had been updated. 

Status changed to: Voting Open

Awesome Idea! I will be opening this idea up to voting so users like yourself can vote and comment. 

I would like to see the engagement details (total emails sent, % opens, % bounces, % clicks)when looking up a contact through the Contacts tab and in the Active Contacts list. I currently see this information when I look at the contact details from a Bounced list for a sent email.

offers what you are looking for.  Very easy and simple to use.  CC has the data, not sure why they don't want to provide what you need.

Feature Request: Would like to see the contact engagement summary on the contact profile page. Seems important. Thanks!

Cleaning non-engaged Contacts is cumbersome. i have to download non-opens from EVERY campaign, then combine, then sort and return and upload that as a list and etc, and etc.


Hi @Rosie_Street how does our segment tool not fit your needs to pull contacts based on their engagement?


Constant Contact,


I am very interested in being able to pull up a report showing engagement information of all the contacts within a contact list. This kind of report will save me a lot of time. Are you planning to implement this functionality and, if so, what is the estimated time of release?


Thank you,

Karen Flowers



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