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UPloading from Google Drive

0 Votes

HI- A lot of our team works on shared docs and sheets on Google drive and it would be great to have the option of directly uploading from Drive without having to first download on our PC or MAC Also, for folks who run non profits and are always trying to keep costs low by sending digital invites via email, an RSVP button would be great (without the upgrade), would be niceto have a small fee $5-$10 to add an RSVP button for an invite via basic plan

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @RebecaS70 thanks for sharing this feedback with us! We have opened up your idea so other users can weigh in on having the ability to connect Google Drive to their Constant Contact library. As for having the ability to purchase action blocks, while this is not an available feature it is a request we are collecting feedback on. In fact we recommend commenting directly on the thread focused on this idea. The more requests a thread receives the higher of a priority it can be given by our Product Team.


I see this is an old thread, but I wanted to chime in and also ask that we have the ability to upload images and things from google drive into our constant contact library instead of downloading everything onto my hard drive first. I don't want it on my hard drive, that's why I have it in google drive. I get so many images and documents from my organization and it's all through google drive. Please make this a feature!


Hi @MASSC_Editor


What type of files would you expect to be able to upload into your Constant Contact account from your Google Drive? What steps would you expect to take in order to do this?



Status changed to: Gathering Information

Upload photos from Drive. It's pretty simple. Most of the platforms I have used at different organizations have this as a feature. I do a newsletter for a school and the teachers upload photos to a shared folder on Drive. I would love to upload to CC directly from Drive. It makes sense. It's a simple thing to build into CC. 


As a customer from 2008, I was initially happy with the functionality of uploading images.  The inability to upload from a shared folder on a drive at this point has stymied me as my image storage  over time have evolved and now comes from a variety of sources. Seems antiquated to not be able to upload directly.  


I also would like to be able to upload photos for our newsletter from google drive for our newsletter. Thank you! 

Yes! I also create newsletters for a non profit after school program, and do not want to have to download dozens of photos into my personal computer just to create the newsletter being that they could easily be uploaded from my Google Drive, where they're stored at! Oh, please make this happen!!


I 100% agree there  needs to be a direct way to upload from google drive. I am the only  employee for a small organization and doing the enews is just a tiny pieceo of my part-time job. I don't want to download to a hard drive and need to quickly be able to choose and move photos over to CC so I can use them. Has this problem been fixed?

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned

At this time, this idea is not on our roadmap. If there are plans to consider bringing this functionality into the Library when uploading photos, we will share them here.

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