Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Ability to Edit the Webpage Version of Sent Campaigns

0 Votes

Hi, Please add a feature to correct information in the web-based version of the eNewsletter after it has gone out to subscribers. On a few occasions we have noticed an error post-launch and have never had the capacity to go back into the newsletter and update the content for the web version.

Constant Contact Partner

Hi all-


   While it is reasonable to understand that you are unable to edit a sent campaign, what about editing the HTML Web version of the email that viewers can access? Even is for spelling or grammatical errors that may have slipped through the editing process?



Status changed to: Voting Open

@SallyH42 Thank you for the feedback. Currently you are right there is no way to edit the web version of a sent campaign.  I can understand the value of being able to fix spelling or grammatical errors after the campaign has sent.  I have opened up your idea for voting and we can see if other CTCT customers would find this valuable. 

Brand Visionary

Is it possible to edit an archived/linked version of a newsletter? The problem I have encountered is that the newsletter looks just fine in my preview section and in the e-mail when I send it out, but then when I want to share the archived HMTL version, I notice extra spacing in the text or around certain punctuation that I want to fix. 

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hey @HCAStaff, thanks for sharing your feedback! At this time, we suggest making a copy of your campaign, make the edits that you need to make, and then schedule the campaign to a list that includes only yourself. This way, you aren't resending the same campaign to your contacts. From there, you can archive the corrected version of the email. I know this isn't ideal and understand that at times, it may be necessary to edit the archived version of an email. I've opened this idea up for voting so users can "Kudo" it as well as share any ideas or use cases they may have. 

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hey @council, thanks a ton for taking the time to suggest this feature! I've linked it up with a feature request ticket we have internally and have also opened this idea up for voting so other users can share their thoughts and vote if they agree. 


Campaigns may be used initially when launching an email blast to a group. However, the campaign continues to be useful as a source that one can link to in social media posts. It would be nice to be able to edit the original campaign so that the link will updated as you continue to use it.

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned

At this time, we do not have plans to allow for editing of the webpage version of a campaign once it is sent. If we hear anything in the future regarding this feature request, we will update the thread.

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