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Ability to see and edit Notes with Contact Redesign

Hello!  With the recent updates to the contacts, simple functionality is no longer available.  

1) The notes are no longer available.  I understand that I can run the report and then create a custom field and re-upload, but that seems unnecessary. The notes field was very helpful with the date/time stamp.

2) Adding contacts to the lists now requires multiple clicks.  Previously, you could type the first few letters and the list would auto-populate that would allow you to select.  Now, you have to scroll through the list.




CC:  What is wrong with you??  Along with so many others in this stream, I use notes to keep track of critical information.  It is obviously still there since you can download contents of that field when downloading to Excel, so JUST BRING IT BACK INTO THE INTERFACE AND REPORTING!!!!!!!!!

Campaign Contributor

I also need notes. It's fundamental to the way I use Constant Contact. I will have to look for an alternative solution.

Marketing Legend

To BobM806 and to anyone else who is part of this tread: when you find an alternative email marketing solution in response to Constant Contact's elimination of its notes functionality, please post the name of it and its URL here. I have tried living without the notes functionality in CC for a few months now, and it is just too cumbersome to manage two disconnected databases. Thanks.

Campaign Contributor

Ditto to like every other person. Please bring back notes! 

Campaign Contributor

Also! Scrolling through our 50 or so lists is just annoying so I would vote for the way to was to come back. 

Campaign Contributor

I preferred the old version.  At the very least, please bring back the notes!

Marketing Legend

I find it outrageous that Constant Contact is expecting us to export our list and reimport in order to access the notes we had in the account previous to the rollout of the new Contacts interface.  This should have been part of what they did when they implemented it. Did the developers really think that customers would put things in the notes and then not care that they just disappeared without warning?


If we do export and re-import, what else might it change? For instance, will it affect the date record of when a contact subscribed originally?

Marketing Legend

I also want to second @SteveH comment about allowing the notes to be included in a column in the list view.

Campaign Contributor

I've heard they plan to add the notes feature into the redesign. Supposedly by end of February but estimating software projects is notoriously difficult.

Marketing Legend

Well, if they do, I hope they convert our old notes into it.

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