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Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!


Hi @JeffW467,

Sorry about the notifications! If you want to remove yourself from them you should be able to unsubscribe yourself from the thread. 


We reuse contents from previous campaigns and associated emails often, and have to browse through pages and pages to find them. It would be great if ConstantContact provides a campaign search option based on date, subject, and location.

Hello @WilliamM0773!

When you say location are you referring to the ability to search a specific folder for a campaign?

As for date and subject you should have a filter by date option on your campaigns page and we are slowly rolling out the ability to search to all accounts. 2019-04-10_9-53-22.jpg


Agreed. Search option would be very helpful.


Hey @LindaS087,

I actually just checked your account and you do already have our search feature! If you go to campaigns in your account it should be located in the upper right hand side. Where were you looking for this feature? 

While it's nice that this feature had finally been added, as Candace has so helpfully pointed out,  let's just take a moment to consider it was proposed as coming soon two years ago. I posted a request about this almost four years ago. 


Maybe coming soon is a subjective term.  But he is my continuing issue with this: constant contact markets a communication tool for communication professionals. However, up until the company started rolling out this new feature there was essentially no communication at all about it even though it's pretty basic and had been requested by dozens of not hundreds of users. 


Some of us might not still be irritated about this had CC simply given us anything but crickets about this for years.


Hello @LittoralSociety 

Thanks for the feedback about this as it can help us make changes to our processes in the future. I'm very sorry that you felt like there wasn't enough communication on this feature in the past. Would something like a notification on the post be helpful to you?

It'd be great to have a search bar to look through sent emails (list/calendar view)
Constant Contact Partner

How is it 2019 and you still haven't added a search feature?!! We are a Chamber of Commerce who not only runs our own campaigns, but run on average 2 a day for our members, which means nearly 700 campaigns to search through! I can't spend all day looking for an eblast from six months back, but it would be so easy to search it by business name or event name, then copy it , update it and go! What's the hold up Constant Contact??


They added the search option a while ago.  If you go to Campaigns, there is a search bar right at the top.  Good luck!

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