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Control expiration date for Lead Generation Landing Pages

0 Votes

It makes no sense to program a Landing Page with a default 6 month expiration. What idiot thought this was a good idea.

If I don't want a page to show after a certain date, I can delete it. Makes no sense to have to remember to edit a expiration date. And then if you forget to do it, you're screwed because you can no longer edit the date and the URL is dead.  I have a hard codded URL in one of my software products that no longer works, and no way to get it back. VERY BAD PROGRAMMING. VERY BAD FOR MY BUSINESS.


Please fix this ASAP.


I had the same problem. 

It makes no sense to program a Landing Page with a default 6 month expiration. What idiot thought this was a good idea.

If I don't want a page to show after a certain date, I can delete it. Makes no sense to have to remember to edit a expiration date. And then if you forget to do it, you're screwed because you can no longer edit the date and the URL is dead.  I have a hard codded URL in one of my software products that no longer works, and no way to get it back. VERY BAD PROGRAMMING. VERY BAD FOR MY BUSINESS.


Hi @dakda1955


Thanks for sharing this feedback with us! Expiration dates are automatically set to five years for lead generation landing pages, or 6 months for custom landing pages. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and have opened up this idea so other users can weigh in as well. 

Status changed to: Voting Open

Landing pages should have the option to NOT expire. Not helpful to create a webpage that expires

I have deleted all my contacts for $0 monthly billing until you find a way to restore a landing page url that has expired. If you can't do this, I will find a new company to work with. I was promised over 8 months ago they would make that change. Maybe losing $400/month in revenue will sway your decision.
Status changed to: Gathering Information

Hi everyone,


We apologize this feature is not currently available. There are many factors that are used to decide what is added to or updated in our product which can cause us to sometimes not have a timeline for when a feature will be available. We do however want to update the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this idea but can indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and are in the process of continuing to collect requests or examples of the type of expiration dates users would like to see.

Status changed to: Planned
Status changed to: Closed - Implemented

All types of landing pages will now have the expiration date be optional, with the exception of Lead Generation Pages because they already don't have an expiration date. This should allow more flexibility for your landing pages. Thanks for the feedback, we'll mark this one as closed.

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