Master email marketing fundamentals. Join the Ready, Set, Send Challenge Week 2!

Create Multiple/Recurring Social Media Posts

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You changed this so we cannot put in multiple dates to post To our facebook accounts. Don't like this.

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hi pls can you make teh social media posts autoamte rather than have to set them up each day
Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @CarlW5 are you looking to schedule multiple posts at once, or does creating multiple posts and scheduling them for later dates help fit your needs?

Status changed to: Gathering Information

From what I gather this is for the ability to schedule a social share/social post on a recurring basis [Moderator's note, I edited the subject line to make it more search friendly for others to find] . For anyone else finding this, please leave a comment with some examples of what you'd like to do. For example, would it be the same post (same text, same image, same accounts) scheduled to post at an interval like once a week for 3 weeks? Or would this be something like a social media campaign where you are selecting different dates and different messages to post to as part of the same "social campaign"?


Yes.   I would like to set up reoccuring posts at intervals that I can control.  Such as 10 posts spread out evenly over a time period I select leading to a registration deadline. 


I've been using and it does that.   I'd love to move over completely to doing it through Constant Contact but I need that feature. 


I think the subject says it all.  CC used to have the ability to schedule an entire month of social posts all at the same time when the newsletter was created.  Why did this stop?  Why take away something useful and time saving.  I have asked multiple times.  I have been told that I am not the only one that is upset with the change.  And the company line is, I will pass your suggestion on.  Isn't that the same as telling me to shut up and what I have to say is not important?  Why can't you fix this and go back to the way it was?  It was a great feature.

Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi @MichaelW21. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I checked in with our Product team and while there aren't any immediate plans to bring back this functionality, they are aware of the request. If we have information to share later on, we'll update this post. 


Honestly for me this was one of the biggest reasons for utilizing CC.  I wanted to be able to create a post and then schedule it to actually post on several dates.  Now that I am realizing that isn't available, I'm rethinking the value of it.


Our church uses your platform and we have recurring weekly meetings. It would be much more convenient to have a scheduling option for social media that allows the same post to be scheduled on a recurring basis without having to enter the post each week. 


This would save me multiple hours each month! 



It would be very helpful if I could copy all of a give days posts from one day to another.  The channels and times would remain the same.




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