Desktop Vs Mobile Viewings

0 Votes

Not sure why i cant find the Desktop Vs Mobile Viewings anymore?

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @hbc-marketing. Your overall desktop vs. mobile open rate is shown on the Reporting page. However, individual reporting for campaigns does not show under Reporting and is not included in the export. You can view the mobile/desktop opens by going to the Email Details page for each campaign. I can see how this could be a useful statistic to include so I will open this idea up for voting and commenting. 

Status changed to: Closed - Implemented
Hi everyone, thank you for your patience as we looked into this! The good news is we have received word from our engineers that being able to view your desktop vs mobile percentages is available. This information is shown under the reporting tab of your accounts as an overall stat and on the email's details page. It's also available when exported. If you have any additional questions on this, please don’t hesitate to respond to this post as we would be happy to assist you further.
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