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Email - Ability to save and reuse a block in other campaigns

It would be nice if we could create blocks that we could save into a library of sorts. All of our campaigns use similar contact blocks but very different headers. It would be nice to not have to recreate the block from scratch, or to exit the campaign, find the other campaign, copy the code, then head back to the original campaign.

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Updating the status of this request to Under Consideration to support our new community idea statuses to add better insight into your feedback.


Thank you for all of your feedback on this topic; I know this request has been around for many years. This is something we would love to be able to implement. We’ve had some plans in the past that have been reprioritized. The current thought is that we hope we will be able to focus on this at some point in the future, and some of the ideas floated around have been really cool! That being said, I don’t have any sort of estimated time that it might be accomplished. We do have a potential new feature coming this quarter that may help. We will keep this thread updated.

Status changed to: Under Consideration



Updating the status of this request to Under Consideration to support our new community idea statuses to add better insight into your feedback.


Thank you for all of your feedback on this topic; I know this request has been around for many years. This is something we would love to be able to implement. We’ve had some plans in the past that have been reprioritized. The current thought is that we hope we will be able to focus on this at some point in the future, and some of the ideas floated around have been really cool! That being said, I don’t have any sort of estimated time that it might be accomplished. We do have a potential new feature coming this quarter that may help. We will keep this thread updated.

Campaign Contributor

I am voting for this feature as well. It makes it easier to make sure you are only making changes to semi-evergreen/boilerplate info in one spot, leaving less room for error. many times I am working on more than one communication at a time and this would be wonderful to have. Failing that, being able to copy or import certain content blocks from other campaigns without having to completely recreate the wheel. For instance, I have a monthly newsletter for my HOA, I always copy the previous month's email and make edits from there so that the boiler plate stays the same, but I have to delete all of the other elements. It's tedious. Then, if I want to add an event we have every year, I have to build (or copy and reformat) that content from last year's newsletter rather than being able to just import or copy that whole content block as-is. In other programs, I would either have the ability to save that out as a library item OR copy the source code and paste it in the new content block's code.


Brand Visionary

Yes, in this third-generation email editor we need the ability to save blocks of layouts from one campaign to another. It's easy if you just start from a copied campaign, but what if you want to grab something from another campaign... let's say a whole block of elements that were carefully put together.. impossible. you have to rebuild it. Insane waste of time. Really hope a workaround for this is added soon.


I'd like to copy a block from one campaign and paste it into another campaign

Campaign Contributor

On every email bast we send the bottom block/section includes contact info for various departments of our city.


Being able to insert a section or block would be a time saver.


I'd like to copy a block from one campaign and paste it into another campaign.

This idea has been kicking around since 2015! Good Gravy! Let's get it done. Please!

Marketing Legend

Really, having a section of the library where you could store blocks (and preferably allowing editing functions within it so you don't end up with multiple blocks with each edit you make but can just edit and existing block and save it) seems like a no-brainer in this situation. Would like to hear more about the potential new feature mentioned by @Kyle_R in a June 2022 post. Has it been dropped?

Campaign Contributor

Dear Constant Contacts:


I have a section that I use often that lists our city services, local business listings and our board of directors all in one section. I want to be able to save this section and insert it into new Campaigns. If there is a way to do this now...I would love for someone to tell me how.


This is an obvious feature that many other making packages have, the ability to save and reuse block of a newsletter. It could be an option on the menu if functions associated at the block level; e.g., background fill, etc.


We send out messages from different staff people. I would be much easier if we could change signatures in the the campaign instead of having to go back into account settings every time.

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