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Filter survey reporting by responses

0 Votes

Hello, our business enjoyed using your survey feature because it provided essential insights into our ongoing operations. Part of discerning what decisions to make depended upon our ability to filter results to see how different segments responded to the questions. A lack of filtering in your new survey feels like a step backwards, even if the new template is prettier and easier to navigate. Please consider returning this important feature to your surveys. Thanks.

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @ChrisD173 what type of filtering are you looking for when viewing your survey results? For instance are you looking to view results based on a specific respondent or something else?

Campaign Expert

Hi Frankie, 

We find great value in being able to view full survey results on only the respondents that answered one (or more) of the questions in a particular way. We are a theater, so for example: Of all the people who attended our 7:30 Friday shows and also indicated that they purchased VIP seating, what do these people have to say about the value of their experience or their enjoyment of the overall experience. How did these particular people answer our other survey questions?
Being able to creatively filter respondents gives us valuable information from which to make decisions. I suspect other users would find this helpful as well. 
Thank you. 

Hi !


We will continue to make improvements to our new Survey pages, and I have tracked your feedback. For now I recommend clicking on any of the "see more responses" links to get into a drill down report. From here you can filter just by people who responded a certain way, and export the filtered responses.

Campaign Contributor


I'm a longtime Constant Contact customer and have also used Legacy Survey for many years. I pay very close attention to the responses I get to surveys I send when putting together my curriculum each quarter. Consequently, I rely heavily on being able to filter responses to my questions. For example, Question #1 could be "Which of these 10 classes would you like me to offer next quarter?" Question #2 could be "Which of these 5 time slots fits your schedule the best?" You should be able to filter these questions and get accurate numbers of which classes and which time slots match up the best, without having to analyze each person's answer by hand.


I sent out a new survey a few weeks ago and was quite surprised that filtering answers is not possible anymore with your "improved survey" pages. I frankly cannot fathom why Constant Contact would update the survey function but not include the ability to filter responses! I would assume that anyone who sends out a survey that includes more than one question would need this function. What are you thinking of?  Some of us rely on sending surveys to our clients/students/patients/etc in order to make a living. Leaving the ability to filter responses in your new survey application is pretty thoughtless in my opinion. 


Hello @CarolMc,


We do completely understand how important a feature like this is, so I will gladly submit your feedback on this, as our defect team is looking to make some more updates on our Survey Pages. Thanks!

Campaign Contributor
Thanks for your answer. I hope you fix this issue soon. I read a number of other complaints about the new survey. It’s missing several aspects that used to be there. The filtering issue is the critical one for me. I’d also like to be able to choose font size and color, bold face, etc and be able to add a link inside each question. I had to type it in and ask my students to copy snd paste it to take them to my website to see lists of songs in my classes. With the legacy surveys I could add a simple link they would click. The new survey is attractive, but that’s about all so far. It has a long way to go to be as useful as the old legacy survey was.
Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @CarolMc thanks for following up with these details! We have submitted your feedback on wanting the ability of font control and including a link in your questions. As for exporting your results by question, how would you expect to do this? Does our current process of clicking "see all responses" for a question > export all responses help fit your needs? You can even take it a step further to see a specific answer:




Agreed with original poster. Filtering now is hard and seems to only give excel export options. Which is very not user friendly.

Marketing Expert

I too miss the ability to filter responses to surveys. Using the Excel option takes a lot of time. It used to be so quick and easy.


Status changed to: Acknowledged

We're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team and also made slight changes to the subject line in order for it to be more easily found. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this feature request but it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release.

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