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Library - More Search & Sorting Options

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Setup the photo library into two parts - one part general and the other frequently used where I can dump the mastheads and any other photos I use regularly - so don't have to scroll through the entire library to change out my mastheads.


I would REALLY like to see ways to sort and organize the library easier! We use one account in our company, but our photo library is currently full. I'm trying to delete old photos that my center has uploaded, but it only lets me go back so far, so there's no way to switch the view to date added or move to the next page of photos to search through. Can this please be an update as soon as possible??
Status changed to: Open Questions

Thank you for the feedback.

Are you unable to sort by date added?  In the library you should be able to click date added to view the oldest to newest.  Let us know if you are still having trouble and we can have someone reach out to help!

Need help with sorting by date. It doesn't work like it does in other programs.


I agree! Sorting photos and deleting is painfully slow. Wish I could stay on the same page instead of being sent back to the beginning of my library after an edit or deletion. Ugh! I don't have time for this!

Brand Influencer

You really need to add additional ways to filter files in the library. I ran out of space so I need to clear out old files, but the only way to get to old files is to keep hitting "show more" and 10 more rows. I have about 4000 images to go through, so this is not very efficient. Even a sort by old to new option would be helpful.

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @KimberlyP what filter options would you like to see in your Library? How does sorting images and documents into folders not fit your needs?

Marketing Legend

I totally agree! I was trying to delete the older images from the library, and I have 2000 images in the library!  I need to be able to do some sorting!!  Reverse chronological order would really help.


Hi @Phyllis4185. You can sort images by clicking on the Date Added header in order to see older uploaded images. Does this help with sorting your images?




Same problem and the Date Added is non-responsive, so cannot sort:



Hi @cityofmiramar having the ability to sort files and images by date or size, in accounts with over 1,000 files is a feature request we are collecting feedback on. Have you tried using the advanced search in your Library to look for a specific date range?

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