My weekly magazine that has a Current Database of 8150; and has an amazing OPEN rate; especially with this CRISIS.. As many of CC people know that every issue ; I have a few Lines thanking CC; and am so appreciative of CC and the Excellent Support and Product I receive. I need to somehow ad another few GB to my Library DUE THE FACT that I can't delete Images; since Past Issues of the Magazine is looked at . I believe I already spend $130 a month ; and am so appreciative once again..I will SPEND what ever it takes to insure that when I run out of Avail. (I'm only at 80% Used) that I can get additional GBs...If you notice I do downsize my Images before using ; so in fact I can get Thousands more Jpegs in without sacrificing Used Space... Here is the link to the May 4th. Issue.. I need to once agqain state