Play video in email

Constant Contact should have a platform that supports being able to upload videos into a newsletter and then have the videos play directly on the publication as soon as the recipient opens it.

Top Answer

Support for embedded video amongst email clients is still inconsistent, and not fully supported by many. As a result, we've been monitoring support and holding off on any plans for this until feel good that the emails will display as expected to a broad audience. That said, we are trying to keep a pulse on how popular of a request this is so we encourage everyone to still leave feedback and comment on this. It really helps in the decision making process. 

PLEASE make embedding videos a reality, not just a link to YouTube!

Wanted to attach a video file to email, just like we can a PDF.  Unfortunately this is not currently available.

Campaign Contributor

It's great to see the demand for streaming video within emails and the positive votes for this across this discussion. Over the last decade much has been written on the subject and the level of quality knowledge on the subject is sparse, for example the comment that embedding video within your email will impact your delivery rate as the ISP's block it is nonsense.


Across the last 24 months the email landscape has changed in some significant ways which now makes video email a reality. We can now embed streaming video within email, which plays automatically at the moment of opening. It is now possible to reach circa 95% of your recipients with the video embedded, the tricky 5% are Outlook desktop users, these users can experience the video if they view the email on outlook on their mobile device. Their are no issues with ISP's blacking these video emails. The upside of embedding the video within the email are significant, most particularly when combined with a strong call to action. In A/B split tests vs the still image version of email the video version delivers on average 4x uplift in CTR.


As a cool second benefit we have found that respondents from the streaming video version of the email stick around on site up to 10x longer thanks those arriving via the still image creative approach. The video clip embedded within the email should be a maximum duration of 10 seconds, as content longer than this will impact the quality of the stream. We have a short video tutorial on how you can embed video within constant contact emails here:  You can also send yourself a sample video email here:


Yep, I'm passionate about video email and keen to educate the email marketing community on what is now possible in this area, with over 80% of our time on line now spent consuming video, email needs to get on board with the consumers content of choice - video.


David Bradbury


In building out emails, it would be ideal to have a video play directly in that email, rather than going to YouTube/Vimeo, or creating an image with a link to an alternate site. I understand not all recipients' platforms play videos in emails that are embeded from YouTube/Vimeo, but what if those videos were in the Constant Contact Library and played directly from there? Is that possible, or is it the same issue for the recipient either way? 


For embedded videos, I would love to see an alternative to Couture. Please strongly consider being able to upload video into your library. Why not?

This is really a feature that a premium email service should provide clients in 2018, we would like to send out intro videos that play, right now all we can do is hyperlink to youtube, which is not an ideal customer experience and takes them away from our eblast.
Constant Contact Partner
It would be great to be able to add video's to email without having to put them on YouTube to add to an email. Perhaps shorter video's up to 5 minutes for marketing can be uploaded like photos.

I would love to see video emails as an option. I'm considering moving my business to boom boom for that reason. I love constant contact, but I feel clients are getting bored.


It would be incredibly valuable if we could embed a video to just start playing within the email vs. take recipients to a separate tab to view the video. Having them view the video in as less links and time spent as possible within the email would be a great user experience for all who interact with Constant Contact emails. It's often easy for someone to open a new tab within several other open tabs, then forget about the video and close it out later. This upgraded capability would enhance our marketing and help us better achieve our team goals. 


I want my video to autoplay on the email not to link out to Vimeo.

I added ?autoplay=1 and it's not working. Is there anything else that I need to do?

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