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Select list when creating new contact

0 Votes

I HATE THE NEW LAYOUT for Contacts. I don't like that i have to choose the list that they will belong to first. I don't like that i cannot search by the company in any aspect. I NEED to be able to do that.

Top Answer

After the launch of the initial Contacts Beta, improvements were made within this area. When adding a single contact, this action can be done from any subtab (Lists, Segments, Tags, Contacts) so you do not need to be on the appropriate list page in order for the contact to be added to it.


We're closing this idea specifically regarding the feedback about the list selection when adding a contact. There is an open post with the request to do a "contains" search for the Company field. Please comment or vote on that post in order to be notified of updates.

Campaign Collaborator
I like how i could put in the name of the company and the emails or Company name that matched would show up. Sometimes I need to add everyone to one group. I do NOT like that i no longer have that option. I hate the new search area
Status changed to: Open Questions

Hello @WCAadmin,

Thank you for reaching out with this feedback. I'm sorry to hear that you are not liking the new layout for contacts. Is there a reason why you don't like choosing a list first? Do you tend to upload contacts to more than one list at a time? 

Have you tried creating a segment? WIth our segments feature you are able to create a segment of customers with their company name. Why do you typically need to filter by company name?

Campaign Collaborator

Yes many of our contacts are usually in more than one list, so to me it is easier to add them as a person than type the list because i know which ones we use the most. I do like that the lists pop up first in the aspect i can tell if someone has added themselves to our email lists.


Regarding the company filter is if a name was entered in the system incorrectly you are not able to find them. Sometimes i have to add everyone in our system from one company to a particular folder, or i have others in my company asking who do we have in our system receiving emails.


i also find it annoying that i have to click more than one section for searching. it takes more time the way that this is set up.


Hello @WCAadmin


Thank you for the feedback, we really appreciate your time in providing this during the BETA phase for Contacts so we know how to prioritize our work!


I wanted to provide an update that those two things you are requesting are coming! We don't have an official release date yet, but we will be improving search to allow 'Company Name' search (as well as other fields) a little further into the BETA, as well as the ability to Add Contacts from the 'All Contacts' screen, instead of just from within a list.


For now, as mentioned above you can use Segments or do an export of the whole account and filter in Excel by the Company Name field/column. Please keep submitting all your feedback as it helps us immensely!

Status changed to: Voting Open
Status changed to: Closed - Implemented

After the launch of the initial Contacts Beta, improvements were made within this area. When adding a single contact, this action can be done from any subtab (Lists, Segments, Tags, Contacts) so you do not need to be on the appropriate list page in order for the contact to be added to it.


We're closing this idea specifically regarding the feedback about the list selection when adding a contact. There is an open post with the request to do a "contains" search for the Company field. Please comment or vote on that post in order to be notified of updates.

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