Master email marketing fundamentals. Join the Ready, Set, Send Challenge Week 2!

Select or exclude individual contacts/lists when sending email

Hey there! It would be great to have an efficient way to create exclusion lists. The tag system is a cumbersome process to go through when the goal is to simply send an email to List A, but exclude anyone who is also on List B. If a checkbox-to-exclude feature became a reality, you'd have a lot of happy customers! (I did search the "Constant Contact Community" when trying to find out how to exclude a list BTW.) 



I didn't necessarily want to post this particular message to the entire "community" but I couldn't find a way to just email my exclusion list request to your developers.




Top Answer



We are considering this as Implemented with the addition of “AND” and “IS NOT” logic within the segments
feature. You can now create a segment for those who are a member of List A, and not a member of List B. After
this implementation sometime around mid-2021 we’ve seen requests on this particular feature drop off across
all of our feedback channels.


There was a large variety of use cases for this particular request, so this was the solution that had the widest range to address most of them. If you require additional filtering needs, you may be interested in adding your voice to one of these existing open ideas:


The ability to segment by specific date (before X or after X)

Additional Segment Criteria


For those looking to send an email to an individual contact, you may be interested in the Quick Send feature.


Please add the option of being able to send an email to one person without creating a list of one.  This is extremely frustrating and makes me want to switch away form CC. 


Agreed! Sending an email to one person would be very helpful! Sometimes you want to forward along a general update or newsletter to a specific individual with a note. Please update!


Please . . . and if not, please explain why Constant Contact won't do this.

Campaign Contributor

I know plenty have asked to allow Exclude Lists at time of send, but in the least offer a NOT this list in the chain of rules within Segment creation

Marketing Expert
Need to have this feature back
Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @HeleneR1 are you looking for this feature only with the list membership? Or is there any other string of criteria you're looking to use this type of segment feature for? 

Campaign Contributor

I can see it being useful for other criteria but I'd be happy with just list exclusion


It is incredibly frustrating that this very basic function is still not available, even after nearly a decade of folks commenting on how vital it is to them. I will be looking into other platforms because this is a nearly impossible to manage process with the number of contacts we're working with. 


Due to the lack of this functionality, we're going to be leaving CC. It boggles my mind that there is no clean, easy, automated way to do this. Especially since the segmentation rules are crap and don't implement all the logic in them.


Good luck with your business but I'm never recommending CC to anyone, in fact, if I find out someone is on CC I'm going to actively campaign that they switch. Particularly since this has been a consistent request since 2011 and they have done nothing to address it. 


It would be a huge time-saver for me if there was an option for contact exceptions. When scheduling an email, it would be great to select “contact list 1” to send to with the exception of contacts on “contact list 2”. There are times when I must go through all contacts, which includes 2500+ contacts, and change the contact tag they are assigned to. For example: Sending an email out to all contacts with exception to those already assigned to another specific contact list. I have a master contact list and must remove from my master contact list those that are assigned to a smaller list. I hope this makes sense. **IF THERE ALREADY IS A FEATURE LIKE THIS PLEASE LET ME KNOW!** Much appreciated.

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