Master email marketing fundamentals. Join the Ready, Set, Send Challenge Week 2!

Unable to scroll campaign folders dropdown

Can you fix the campaign folder coding I can't scroll to my campaigns this entire week.


Status changed to: Planned

Thanks for reporting @NAIRobert-Lynn1 ! We've noticed this too and raised the issue with our teams. This fix should be implemented in the near future. We'll keep this post updated.

Marketing Legend

When I am in the Campaigns List View, if I click on "Folders" to navigate, there is no scroll bar and therefore I cannot see the entire list of folders.

I am using the newest version of Chrome on Windows 10.

Please fix this because I cannot get to any of the folder below the "Events" listing (screenshot included below)




Campaign Expert

near future???


 I have not been able to scroll down the folders menu in over two weeks.  I have been on hold with Customer Support for 45 minutes now.


Please send reply to  right away. I can no longer wait on hold.


Thank you.

Near future? What kind of product support are you folks running? You are costing many of us valuable time .


I am checking in to see if the scrolling folders feature has been addressed yet?

Thank you.



Hi everyone,


We do want to indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and it has been taken under consideration for a future release. However there is no immediate timeline we can share pertaining to this request. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and will continue to share the feedback/use cases discussed here and will post any updates we may hear from our teams.

Marketing Legend

Nice. So we're just out of luck and not able to access our campaign folders until Constant Contact decides they are going to fix it? That's really great customer service.

The reason I have to organize my campaigns into folders in the first place is because the search is terrible. So now I can't find the campaign I want by using search and I can't access my folders to find the ones I organized.

Thanks, Constant Contact! 


Hi everyone, 


I would like to update my previous post and share that this is experience is scheduled to be fixed as of 10/31. We apologize for any users still having this experience and will update this thread if that date moves.

Marketing Legend

Thank you, Frankie. That is much better news! 

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